
Chelsea Berry seeks second term as Regional School Committee member


To the Editor,

My name is Chelsea Berry, and I am running for re-election as a write-in candidate for the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee. I would be honored to secure your vote at the Southwick Town Election on Tuesday, May 11.

As your current School Committee member, a mother, an educator, a former foster parent, and a graduate of Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District (STGRSD), I provide the committee with a unique and critical perspective. Every vote I cast and action I make as a School Committee member is done with every single child at STGRSD in mind.

Now, I ask you for one more term.

To seek my 2nd term re-election, as a write-in candidate, it is important to note, voters must both fill in the bubble and write my name on the write-in line under the School Committee section of the ballot.

As a mother, I know how important each educator, staff member, and decision is in providing my child with a world-class education, feeling of belonging and community, as well as the opportunity for personal growth. As an educator with a master’s degree from Mount Holyoke College, I bring the lens of being an instructional leader and passion for providing students with the best educational experience. I am constantly researching and growing as a professional, and that has been helpful in understanding and supporting our district’s own academic growth.

I have firsthand experience with the positive and negative effects school committees can have on district progress. It is imperative for committee members to be focused on continuous improvement and student achievement, as well as become knowledgeable in the scope of their committee role.

As a former foster parent, my experience with the foster care system and childhood trauma have given me an outlook that has me constantly asking, “how will this decision affect our most vulnerable students and families?”

Over the course of my 3-year term, I have been an active member of our committee, working on the negotiations and policy subcommittees and acting as a liaison to the Instructional Leadership Team, Southwick Capital Expenditures Committee, and Southwick 250 Committee. At the time of this writing, I have attended 65 school committee meetings over the past 3 years, and just about as many subcommittee and liaison meetings.

This past year has been challenging for everyone in many ways. Being a school committee member during a global pandemic was much akin to being a first-time parent. There is no blueprint on how to do either perfectly. By doing my research, consulting the experts, and making the best decisions I could at the moment on limited resources, every child and family was in mind with each and every vote.

Now, I ask you for one more term. 3 more years to continue to grow with this school district and give back to the school system that has provided me with my educational foundation and so much more. I ask for your vote and thank you graciously for your support.

Chelsea Berry


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