WESTFIELD – Four college college-aged tenants, apparently distracted by a commotion in front of their Hampden Street house, left the party in their apartment shortly after midnight Friday to find out what the disturbance was outside.
City police report that a caller complained about a loud college-aged party which was disturbing his peace at 12:46 a.m. Saturday and Officer Andrew Cekovsky reports that he arrived to find two of his colleagues – officers Kevin Bard and Jeffrey Vigneault – in of front the reportedly noisy address with a male party who appeared to be yelling at them.
Cekovsky reports that he could hear the man yelling and swearing at the officers before he opened the door of his cruiser and found that the excited man was the person who had reported the disturbance, Raymond A. Rusciano, 47, of 26 Hampden Street.
Cekovsky found that Rusciano had begun his obscenity-laced tirade against the officers as soon as they arrived, before they were able even to speak with any of the young revelers.
The thrust of the man’s complaint was that his peace had been disturbed by his neighbors and the police would do nothing because the young subjects of his complaint were their friends.
The man told Cekovsky that he had gone to the party address to ask the young resident to moderate their noise and they had refused. He also said that he had been “jumped” by a black male party when he left after making his complaint.
Cekovsky noted that Rusicano had made no mention of an assault when he called police to complain about the party and also noted that his body and clothing were neither wet, dirty nor disheveled after the alleged assault. Cekovsky did not observe any indications that he had suffered any injury.
Cekovsky reports that Rusciano refused to calm down and quiet, drawing the attention of neighbors including four tenants (all of whom were Caucasian) of the residence Rusciano had originally complained about who came outside because of the noise he was making.
Cekovsky warned Rusicano that he would be arrested if he did not moderate his behavior and the man began to taunt him, daring him to make the arrest saying that he would sue the officer if he did so.
Rusciano was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Once he was removed from the scene, spewing obscenities and continuing his tirade while he was transported to the station, the officers dispersed the party. The landlady was notified of the incident.
He was arraigned in Westfield District Court Monday and was released on his personal recognizance pending a June 4 hearing.