WESTFIELD – City police responded Sunday night to a call from a Mechanic Street resident who reported, at 11:14 p.m., a very loud college party at an apartment nearby.
Officer Seth Florek reports that “noise from voices and a radio could be heard from several hundred feet away” from an apartment at 38 Mechanic Street but when he arrived “several of the guests refused to open the door.”
Although the door stayed shut, Florek reports that he could hear yelling from inside and noted that, when he heard somebody scream “if they come in here I am going to stab them”, he called for additional officers.
“This disturbance tied up all police officers that were working”, Florek reports.
The party ended when about 125 guests were dispersed but the disturbance continued for a short time longer, Florek reports, because “the party guests left yelling and screaming (while) walking through the neighborhood disturbing several residences.”
Two tenants of the apartment, Kyle P. Murray, 21, of 62 Carriage House Path, Ashland, and James A. Richards, 21, 28 Tudor Lane, Ashland, were identified and arrested for disturbing the peace.
Both appeared in Westfield District Court before Judge Charles Groce on yesterday and both were found to be responsible for the charge.
They were each assessed $150.