
Councilor Hoose: Ward 3 update

Hello Ward 3,
Well, this is my last letter to you due to getting unelected. I do hope that we continue to talk as I walk my dog Ollie. And, I want to thank you all for your kindnesses to us.
Before leaving as your Ward 3 City Councilor, I was able to get a few things started that you may like. Yes, Mr. Bonyeau, finally and at long last, we have gotten money to do Franklin St.’s road, starting sometime next year!
As well, working with Community Development there is also money to fix up some side walks, in all probability Belmont St. Belmont is being seriously considered as a part of a long neglected part of the city, and with Whitney Park getting a Playscape (playground) this coming year and the Railtrail coming along with the observation decks near complete, the esplanade started, and some infrastructure work being done this year; this neighborhood will be in much better shape and property values improved. And, while at it there is serious discussion of having Orange St. made one way from Elm to Shepard to deal with the congestion and getting around the cars parked on the street. Your thoughts on this are welcomed but make it quick, I am leaving at the end of December.
It has been great helping my neighbors as much as I could considering that this was only a first term. Being able to help those impacted by the Gas Light Project, even if just a bit was important to you and to me. Helping our vocational school: Westfield Technical Academy start up their air plane repair program, was exciting. That along with settling the dispute on Chestnut St. to deal with that burned up house; getting the support of the Governor’s, and the Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs support to keep our local Vet Rep.; and helping to protect our neighborhood deal with the off campus student party problems with new ordinances that according to Community Policing are having an effect. WARNING to those on Western Ave., there is a new plan for your street. Continue to stay on top of that. I will stay involved with the Neighborhood Advisory Board to keep you up dated as I can.
And, while I will no longer be in office, I will continue to fact find at City Hall and with the Department heads whom I have come to know to keep you informed. Speaking of whom, I really want to thank them and their teams for all the help that they provided. They are a great group, I will miss working with you, but unelected does not mean uninvolved.
As I started this column, let me finish it…Thank you Ward 3 you have always been courteous and helpful to me even when irked at City Hall. Your concern for Ollie this past winter was more than wonderful. As many of you know she just turned 12 and we all know that for big dogs that can be scary for their owners and I more than appreciate your kind words of support, as you reflected upon dogs that you have had as they grew old.
OK, as for me, I started out at age 13 becoming civic and community involved; now at 67, single, with only a modest income and my last chapter opening up, I will still be involved. This work is important and I want to urge you to be involve. It is the American way, it is the American model that is envied and imitated around the world. This government whether this city this state, or this nations is our responsibility to take care of whether in war, in peace, in conflict or in harmony. In my late teens I had many pen pals in Eastern Europe, and they all wrote to me about how much they admired us, and one of the, her husband became one of the first freely elected member to the then Czechoslovakian government. So put aside all of what the doom and gloomers say that discourages us from being responsible citizens. Put aside their negativity and pessimism that gets us no where. Stop the fear and the hate by being involved. Know the facts and not the on line hearsay. Our American Exceptionalism is real. Our government while messy and at times frustrating is so because as our founders said, it is Imperfect, but it is better than any other. Don’t let them get you to give up or to have the toxic effects of fear and hate stop you from being US, the U.S. For, if someone like me who grew up poor and without family connections in South Holyoke can have an impact so too can you. And, while not over the top or spectacular impact never the less my legacy as an everyday American does have success stories and achievements. So as I re-focus and re-purpose my life it will still be to have purpose. And, as this process evolves I hope to share that re-purposing with you. Some of the issues I want to take up are on how do we fund government, we can not continue with 19th and even 20th century ways and means, and as well, to encourage an understanding of the real honest facts of our American Model and Exceptionalism. Lastly, keep in touch. Thank you again Your Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose [email protected]

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