Westfield District Court
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Christina Waldo, 40, of 25 Russell Road, Apt. 4, Huntington, was released upon payment of $200 cash bail pending an Aug. 15 hearing after she was arraigned on a charge of possession of heroin brought by Westfield police.
Giovanni Burgos, 24, of 199 Walnut St., Springfield, was released upon payment of $150 cash bail pending an Aug. 15 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of breaking into a building in the nighttime with intent to commit a felony and larceny of property valued more than $250 from a person older than 60 years-of-age or disabled brought by Westfield police. In a second case brought by State Police, Burgos (with an address at 305 Main St., Indian Orchard) was again released upon payment of $150 cash bail pending an Aug. 15 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle without a valid inspection sticker, being a motor vehicle operator who refuses to identify himself and possession of a Class B drug.
Aleara Blake, 25, of 180 St. James Ave., Springfield, saw a charge of operating a moor vehicle with a suspended license brought by Westfield police not prosecuted.
Kevin S. Harrison, 47, of no fixed address in Westfield, was released on his personal recognizance pending an Aug. 9 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of trespass brought by Westfield police.
Jay D. Delgado, 21, of 126 Union St., Westfield, was released on $100 cash bail pending an Aug. 9 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery with serous bodily injury brought by Westfield police.
Mandolin C. Cruz, 31, of 17B Lincoln St., Westfield, was released on her personal recognizance pending an Aug. 9 hearing after she was arraigned on charges of larceny of property valued more than $250 and uttering a false check brought by Westfield police.
John E. Armitage, 21, of 173 Main St., Apt. B, Westfield, was released on his personal recognizance pending an Aug. 9 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery on a family or household member brought by Westfield police.