
District receives good grade from auditor

SOUTHWICK – The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District received high marks from auditor Richard Sullivan.
Sullivan, of the Powers and Sullivan auditing firm, presented the district report card to the School Committee yesterday and said the staff is doing its “job well.”
Sullivan said he took a risk-based approach to the audit and looked at 90 different budget items, including 30 different revenue transactions and 30 different payroll transactions.
“We want to make sure what is happening behind the scenes is what you think is happening,” said Sullivan, adding there were no issues uncovered.
The firm also looked at journal entries and internal controls. He said the “big ticket” items in the budget included $3 million in the Other Post Employee Benefit line item, $1.5 million in debt and just under $1 million in accrued sick and vacation time.
“We didn’t spend a lot of time on the big revenue numbers because most is from the state and grants,” Sullivan said.
What Powers and Sullivan did look at in terms of revenue was money taken in from concessions and ticket sales to sporting events.
“We were satisfied you would be comfortable with it and it didn’t require any adjustments be made to the books,” Sullivan said.
Sullivan told the committe the district “could not get a better report card” than it received. He said the company provided the district with a list of items to prepare for when they came to conduct the audit, and it had a list of items it did not share until the auditors were on site.
“We hope the client will be audit-ready and respond efficiently to the questions thay don’t know they’re going to receive,” Sullivan said, adding that the STGR staff passed the test with flying colors.

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