Westfield Newsroom

FEB14 SWK cultural grant (JPMcK)

Southwick seeks library grant


Staff writer


SOUTHWICK – The Select Board last night entertained a request from the Southwick Cultural Council to begin the process of applying for a grant to renovate the old public library.

Patricia McMahon of the Cultural Council said the approval allows the council to send a letter of intent to apply to the state for funds.

“This is a cultural facilities grant that is used for major construction,” said McMahon, noting some projects funded through the same grant include renovations at the Holyoke Public Library and the Edith Wharton Museum.

McMahon said the grant requires matching funds, the source of which the council is still exploring.

The intent to apply has a deadline of March 5, said McMahon, so she was seeking permission to send the letter and continue to work on project details.

Selectman Arthur Pinell said the historical society had some plans for the library but turned its attention to the Gillette Cigar Factory and perhaps those plans could be shared.

“We’ve been looking for ways to address that building for a number of years,” said Pinell.

McMahon said the first step in the process is sending the letter of intent.

“That will give us a few months to work on it,” said McMahon.

The board asked McMahon to return with more specifics before sending the letter and McMahon agreed to bring a draft of the letter to the Feb. 27 meeting.


Hope E. Tremblay can be reached at [email protected]

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