
Police officers hired

Six candidates for appointment to permanent full-time positions with the Westfield Police Department – from left, Megan M. Bartlett, Matthew A. Preuss, Tom F. Cusack, David A. Burl, Sean Connors and David M. Arroyo – listen to police commissioners Felix Otero, Karl W. Hupfer and Leonard M. Osowski before their interviews Monday evening. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)

WESTFIELD – The city’s police commission hired two new permanent full-time officers effective March 3 at their meeting Monday evening.
One is a petite young woman and the other a tall and sturdy young man but they are otherwise alike in many ways.
After a seemingly interminable delay while the commission dealt with a personnel issue in executive session, six officers – David M. Arroyo, Megan M, Bartlett, David A. Burl, Sean Conners, Tom F. Cusak and Matthew A. Preuss – who had been waiting for more than two hours, were interviewed individually by the commissioners.
All six are reserve officers on the force and, with the exception of Burl, who is still completing field training because of the exigencies of his service with the Army National Guard, all have worked shifts as police officers on the streets of Westfield.
Commissioner Felix Otero drew quips from the other commissioners and Chief John Camerota about forming athletic teams when he doggedly asked each candidate about their recreational interest in sports and learned that all six candidates enjoy working out but Commissioner Leonard M. Osowski seemed disappointed that none patronized his gym.
After a much briefer executive session to consider their decision, Otero offered successive motions to appoint Bartlett and Preuss to the two openings and both motions passed unanimously.
Both commission chairman Karl W. Hupfer and Camerota pointed out to the candidates who were not selected for promotion that additional openings on the full-time force are expected in the coming months.
Camerota explained that four openings are expected before October due to retirements  and went on to say that a central dispatch initiative currently in progress provides for the appointment of three additional officers making a total of seven slots on the horizon.
In her interview, Bartlett said that, as a reserve officer, she has dealt with a wide variety of calls, including one fatality. When questioned closely about her reaction to discovering a deceased resident, she said that she was able to keep her work and personal lives separate and was able to sleep that night. “You just deal with what’s at hand, you just do what you have to do” she said.
Bartlett’s outgoing and vivacious personality probably helped her stand out from the crowd. It was she who answered for the group of candidates when they were asked if they were willing to voluntarily absent themselves from the public meeting during the interviews. She also seemed to score points with the commissioners when she asked them if she did a good job concealing how nervous she was.
Preuss told the commissioners that he “definitely learned a lot since becoming a reserve officer” and said that he liked his experience on the street where he was able to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom .
Preuss earned a BA in criminal justice at Westfield State College and is working on a master’s degree from Utica College in economic crime management which he said he would like to apply in the detective bureau some day.
“I’d love to be in the detective bureau and maybe become a supervisor some time” he said.
Bartlett said that she too would like to be a detective. And there are other similarities shared by both the new officers.
Both reserve officers grew up in the city and both were graduated from Westfield High School. Both like to work out and both are currently working in the loss prevention department at Big Y.
Capt. Michael A. McCabe who, as the operational captain for the department, will ultimately supervise the new officers, said he is pleased with their appointments.
“I’m kinda excited about this batch” he said, “It’s going to be interesting to watch them.



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