
Hello Ward 3 and Westfield

New projects:  Whitney Park folks pay attention…   I hate to bring up the Fire Pit discussions with all the political games played, but I started that mess as I wanted to get an ordinance or something to allow for campsite like cement/stone cooking pits in the park, as I was seeing too many charcoal fire places in or near the woods and was concerned about a potential fire.  There are homes and people on that side of the levee that would be in danger.  This year I have found 6-7 of them so I am seeking to get something done.  I have talked to the police, Mayor Sullivan, and DPW siting the exact locations.  I have spoken to the Fire Chief about this as well.  But, I want you folks in that area to be advised and if you can help me to get something done I would appreciate it. 

A second Whitney Park issue for me is that I have no0tice that the new playground is not being used much.  I believe it is due to a lack of access.  You can go up to the top of the levee from Kellogg and Clark Sts.  But coming down is not so easy for parents, and grandparents who may want to bring the kids there.  I have been doing some fact finding as the levee is a difficult object to deal with due to regulations to protect it.  I’ve met with the Conservation Commission, and will meet with the Flood Control Commission, contacted the Army Corps of Engineers, and talked with the Dave Billips, DPW, and will be talking with the Building Inspector, Commission and may MIMA (our FEMA) to get a plan in place.  Mr. Billips thinks if we can get consent that his team could install it.  Lastly, speaking of Mr. Billips, I am bugging him about getting a drinking fountain near the play area, as in this heat that would help.  We could attach it to the bathroom building that is being fixed up.    

Lastly: congrats to Stefan Czaporowski becoming our new superintendent.  I have been talking with him, he is excited and looking forward to doing everything he can to do for all of our schools what he has done for our Technical Academy.  Next, Sgt. Hall, our Community Policing Officer was injured while out bike riding.   While he said he would not be out long, I wish him well, and can’t wait to have him back.  I want to do a printout to Pet Care, at the Little River Plaza; when they ran out of a med for Ollie (my dog), they called around till they found a place that had it.  You don’t get customer service like that anymore.  On the down side, this being a campaign season be aware that both I and others, with whom I spoke, were very disappointed with their printing.  They were blurry, but I had no time left to redo them, that was $900 (including the lost postage) down the tube.  They blamed the original, which they also prepared, and it was good.  And, lastly on this I was most pleased at the turn outs we are having for Nick Cocchi, who is running for Sheriff.  When I was a substitute teacher in Ludlow, I had Nick in classes for a couple of years.  OK he was a teen, but he was a good kind and a good student. 

And, to end the confusion I have been approached by several people about the flag I have out in front of my house.  WHAT?  It is the first flag of the American Revolution from 1774, used at Bunker (Breeds) Hill and was the Revolutionary War flag for New England. 

Take stay safe and cool, Brian Hoose your former Ward 3 City Councilor.  [email protected] 

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