
Hospital Zone public hearing, Old Dominion vote on City Council agenda

Ward 2 Councilor and City Council President Ralph J. Figy (WNG File Photo)

WESTFIELD – The two biggest items on the City Council’s Thursday night agenda are a public hearing on a petition from Baystate Noble for a Hospital District zone, and a vote on a special permit for a truck terminal for Old Dominion Freight Lines (ODFL) on Medeiros Way. Both items have generated a lot of public interest in the past.
City Council President Ralph J. Figy, Jr. said Baystate Noble’s request was submitted last year, but withdrawn due to opposition from the neighbors. Figy said the new ordinance request takes into consideration previously expressed concerns. A copy of the proposal is available on the city website at, by typing in proposed hospital district.
A public hearing at the Planning Board on the Hospital District is also scheduled for Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers.
The vote on the special permit for Old Dominion will come with a positive recommendation from the Zoning, Planning and Development Committee that includes additional conditions regarding trucks exiting and entering the terminal, daily number of trucks, air quality monitoring, and a sewer line extension to Medeiros Way.
Many of the communications from the mayor’s office seek acceptance of grants, which Figy called “all good news.” He said the first item of almost $7 million in FAA grants for the Westfield Barnes Airport is part of the $10 million bond that the Council approved in April for the airport, but did not borrow. Figy said the city had to prove its ability in order to receive the grants. City share for the grants is approximately 5%.
A request for immediate consideration of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the city and Westfield Gas and Electric is to accept a grant from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Connect America Fund for expansion of Broadband to the hilltowns. Figy said the Municipal Light Board accepted the grant at its last meeting.
Another IGA on the agenda is with Westfield State University for the provision of public, educational and government (PEG) access services.
Several other grants and appointments are also on the agenda, as well as new motions from Councilors Bean, Morganelli and Surprise.

Amy Porter can be reached at [email protected].

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