BLANDFORD – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will host an Open House on the I-90 Interchange Study on Oct. 10 in the Blandford Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road.
The Open House will run from 6:30 to 9 p.m., with a presentation from the study team at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend to learn about the study’s analysis of interchange alternatives and draft study recommendations.
Currently, three locations are being studied to add as a possible interchange on I-90 between Exit 3 in Westfield and Exit 2 in Lee. The 30-mile stretch between the two exits is the longest in the Commonwealth.
The three locations are Algerie Road in Otis, the Blandford Maintenance Facility and the Blandford Service Plaza. Each location comes with a large price tag, including infrastructure work on adjoining roadways.
Construction estimates given at the February 2019 meeting for Algerie Road in Otis are $26.3 million for the interchange, and $11.5 million in local road upgrades to Algerie Road and Bonny Rigg Road, for a total of $37.8 million. Constraints identified were narrow I-90 bridge piers at the site, and high volumes of truck traffic.
At the Blandford Maintenance Facility, the condition of the bridge of I-90 and integration with existing maintenance function were listed as considerations. Construction estimates were $19.4 million for the interchange, and local upgrades to Old Chester Road and Chester Road of $10.1 million, for a total estimate of $29.5 million.
The Blandford Service Plaza also lists the condition of the North Street Bridge over I-90 and integration with existing plaza functions as challenges. Cost estimates are $20.4 million for the interchange, and $13.6 million for Chester Road and North Street upgrades, for a total estimate of $35 million.
Also studied for each site were projected daily vehicle trips, and the impact/reduction on vehicle trips at Exits 3 and 2.
The presentation given at the February meeting, along with the minutes, is available online at
For all questions and comments related to the I-90 Interchange Study, contact Cassandra Gascon Bligh, MassDOT Project Manager, at [email protected] or (857) 368-8852.
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