
Information Technology requests restoration of budget cut

Westfield Information Technology manager Lenore J. Bernashe  (WNG File Photo)

WESTFIELD – Information Technology Manager Lenore Bernashe appeared before the Finance Committee Wednesday to speak about the appropriation of $41,723 from free cash to the Technology Center purchase of services account, and the transfer of $11,000 from the center’s full-time salary account to purchase of services.
Bernashe said when her budget was cut by $100,000 on the floor of the City Council the night of the budget vote; she knew the intent was for her to go back to the drawing board to renegotiate leases and other costs. She said she has reduced the budget by $20,000. “Coming to the end of the year, I do have licenses coming due, and we’ve negotiated them down as low as we can,” she said.
She also said her technical team had a retirement seven months ago, and they initially went out to hire for a part-time position, but haven’t yet found the right person, which accounts for that amount in the salary portion of the budget.
“Is there a way that we can do regionalization with some of the other communities around,” asked Surprise. Bernashe said she meets regularly with colleagues, but there are certain licenses they cannot regionalize, including Microsoft and MUNIS, which the city has used for the past 20 years, and is used by the majority of the Commonwealth. She said the system drives everything in the city, including taxes, personnel, and driver’s licenses. The cost to the city of the software is $200,000.
Allie asked if there were other services out there besides MUNIS. Bernashe said other communities have multiple systems they have to maintain. In our area, this is pretty much what it is. No direct competitor offers everything MUNIS does. There’s nothing out there currently that offers everything of the modules that we are using,” she said.
“Did the last Finance Committee suggest certain things, did you have conversations,” Allie asked.
Bernashe said that Councilor Robert A. Paul, former Finance chairman, did talk about integrating with Gas & Electric. “They bring internet to the building. Once it hits the building, our team takes over. Talking with my counterparts over there, I’m not sure anyone’s approached them about it,” Bernashe said.
“Going forward, do you see any other additional savings?” Allie asked.
“We’re always working towards them. The prior administration has put more costs under our budget,” she said, speaking of the leases for the 25 copiers in the municipal buildings. “We handle everything for them,” she said.
“When this (appropriation request) came up with the Mayor’s request, Councilor Paul was adamant that this shouldn’t be done. I’m wondering where the disconnect is with the previous Finance Committee. If this money was absolutely needed, how did it end up with the majority vote,” Emmershy commented.
“It sounded to me like there was no communication between the Finance Committee and IT prior to this cut,” Surprise added. Bernashe said Paul actually asked for a $250,000 cut that night, but Flaherty amended it to $100,000.
“If we hold this in Committee, because I do want to talk to Paul and Flaherty, could you get by with the second item,” asked Surprise.
“It would be tight. Some of them are coming due at the end of March. One of the bills is the G&E bill,” Bernashe said.
A motion to move the appropriation of $41,723 forward with no recommendation to the full Council passed 3-0. A motion to approve the $11,000 transfer passed 3-0.

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