Westfield District Court,
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thomas J. Keating, 26, of 71 Pontoosic Road, was enjoined from making any threats or violence toward the alleged victim and was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 5 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery brought by Westfield police.
John Chapman, 36, of 15 Lincoln St., was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 11 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license and speeding brought by Westfield police.
Lawrence G. Lorenz, 55, of 17 Depot St., Southwick, was held in lieu of $100 cash bail after he was arraigned on charges of assault and battery and indecent assault and battery on a person 14 years of age or older brought by Southwick police
Carol A. Sheldon, 53, of 71 Pontoosic Road, was enjoined from making any threats or violence toward the alleged victim and was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 5 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery brought by Westfield police.
Justin D. Douglas, 26, of 77 Taylor St., Holyoke, was found to be not responsible for a number plate violation brought by Westfield police. Charges of unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle with suspended registration and operating an uninsured motor vehicle were not prosecuted.
Sergey Bogomaz, 30, of 116 Prospective Ave., West Springfield, was found to be not responsible for a charge of operating an unregistered motor vehicle brought by Southwick police. A charge of operating a motor vehicle without a license in his possession and a number plate violation to conceal identification was not prosecuted.
Norman W. Oliver, 49, of 7 Sackett St., was held in lieu of $1,000 cash bail after he was arraigned on a charge of larceny of property valued more than $250 from a person 60 years of age or older brought by Westfield police.