Emergency Response and Crime Report
Friday, July 13, 2012
12:59 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Orange Street, a patrol officer reports he observed the operator of a scooter fail to stop for a stop sign at the intersection of Maple and Orange streets, the vehicle was stopped and the operator said that he was unlicensed, the officer reports he was advised that the youth was the subject of a court imposed curfew which the boy acknowledged, the officer reports that the owner of the scooter came to the scene and took custody of it, during the investigation the suspect bolted and the officer gave pursuit but injured his leg in the process, the officer was able to continue and closed on the boy in a backyard and the boy threw a table and a grill at him, the officer continued the pursuit until the youth found himself cornered and surrendered, Anthony G. Ortona, 17, of 140 Chestnut St., was arrested for assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and a stop sign violation, the supervisory officer reports that after a review of the incident Ortona was also charged with refusing to submit to a police officer;
1:55 a.m.: accident, Southampton Road, a patrol officer reports a driverless vehicle struck a restaurant sign, see story in Saturday’s edition of The Westfield News;
2:21 a.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports that he was approached by a convenience store clerk who said that an unknown person had stolen merchandise earlier, the officer reports the clerk said that a male party concealed snack items valued at about $17 in his clothing and fled when the clerk demanded payment, the clerk said he will ask his manager to prepare a copy of the store’s security video for police, the case was referred to the detective bureau;
8:48 a.m.: breaking and entering, Otis Street, a caller reports his house which is undergoing extensive renovations was broken into and ransacked, the responding officer reports that the victim said that in the past two weeks a window was broken to gain access and the officer saw that the interior of the house was in disarray, the victim said that about 24 feet of copper pipe and two bureaus were stolen;
2:20 p.m.: identity fraud, Montgomery Street, a resident came to the station to report that she was advised that her social security number is being used by someone employed in Acton, the woman said that she does not know how her number was compromised nor by whom;
4:00 p.m.: larceny, East Silver Street, a resident came to the station to report her purse was stolen, the responding officer reports the woman said that she left her purse in her shopping cart while unloading groceries but realized her mistake within minutes, the woman said when she returned to the cart in less than five minutes her purse was gone, the officer reports that the purse was found on the nearby railroad embankment and was intact except for a small amount of cash;
4:08 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Long Pond Road at North Road, a traffic enforcement officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to be operated by a person with an expired license, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
4:46 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Road, a traffic enforcement officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to be operated by a person with a suspended license, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
5:44 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Road, a traffic enforcement officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to have expired registration, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
11:17 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Exchange Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating at a high rate of speed on Main Street and used radar to determine it was traveling at 50 mph in a 35 mph zone ,the officer gave chase and followed the vehicle to Exchange Street where it pulled into a driveway, the operator said that he didn’t have a license and a check revealed the man’s license had been revoked, John J. Chapman, 36, of 15 Lincoln St., was arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license and for speeding;
11:36 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a caller reports two known men stole drinking glasses from her, the respond officer reports that after some confusion about the caller’s address he spoke with her and found that she decided to forgo a formal report but would like the incident to be documented;
11:38 p.m.: disturbance, Pontoosic Road, an officer responding to an abandoned 911 call reports the resident said that the caller had left after a verbal disturbance with family members, the victim subsequently came to the station to report she was assaulted by family members, the responding officer reports the woman said that she had been involved in a verbal altercation with her mother when her brother returned with her car which he had borrowed, the woman said that she confronted her brother about cash missing from her car and he admitted spending it, the woman said an argument ensued which became physical when her brother choked her and threw her to the floor, the woman said that when she broke free she went into her niece’s bedroom to gather some belongings and her brother choked her again in the presence of the six-year-old girl, the woman said that she broke free again but her brother choked her again and threw her face down onto a recliner where her mother held her down while her brother choked her, Thomas J. Keating, 26, of 71 Pontoosic Road, and Carol A. Sheldon, 52, of the same address, were each arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship;
Saturday, July 14, 2012
12:01 a.m.: trespassing, Half Mile Falls Park, a patrol officer reports a male party was found asleep on a concrete slab who was awakened and sent on his way;
1:12 a.m.: trespassing, Half Mile Falls Park, routine video surveillance of the park revealed four persons, the responding officer reports the subjects were advised of the pertinent city ordinances and sent on their ways;
8:53 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Noble Street, a patrol officer reports a routine check of a vehicle operating on Noble Street revealed that he vehicle’s registration had been revoked for lack of insurance and that it had not been inspected, the vehicle was stopped and the operator said that he had borrowed the vehicle, the officer reports the man’s license was found to be been suspended, Jack K. Smith, 47, of Econo-Lodge, Elm St., West Springfield, was arrested of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license;
11:12 a.m.: larceny, Kasper Drive, a caller reports her son’s bicycle was stolen, the responding officer reports the caller said that the bike was left in her yard about 2 a.m. and at 11 a.m. it was found to be missing;
11:31 a.m.: animal complaint, Bancroft Apartments, 125 Main St., a caller reports a stray black and gray dog is in custody, a responding animal control officer reports the dog fled but she was eventually able to take custody of it;
1:17 p.m.: larceny, Southwick Road, a caller reports a known person stole money from his cash register, the responding officer reports a representative of a Southwick Road restaurant said that money near the register was found to be missing and a review of the restaurant’s security video showed a male party taking the missing money, an employee was able to positively identify the suspect, a criminal complaint was filed;
2:28 p.m.: fraud, School Street, a resident came to the station to complain of identity fraud, the responding officer reports the complainant said that she attempted to open a telephone account and was told that an account already existed in her name with her social security number, the complainant said that the company declined to provide meaningful information and advised her to file a police report;
2:53 p.m.: vandalism, Knollwood Drive, a caller reports her daughter’s vehicle has been vandalized again, the responding officer report the caller said that the car was parked in her driveway at 4 p.m. on Friday and the next morning a side window and a mirror were found to have been smashed and a door had been keyed, nothing was taken from the car;
6:10 p.m.: assist citizen, Dewey Avenue, a caller reports she is locked out of her apartment, the responding firefighters report a ladder was used to access a second story window where entry was gained;
6:18 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, East Main Street, a traffic enforcement officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to have expired registration, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
8:32 p.m.: fire, Russell Road, a caller reports burning near the river, the responding firefighters report an unattended campfire was found on the river bank, the fire was extinguished;
9:00 p.m.: fireworks, North Road, multiple callers report fireworks, the responding officer reports he spoke with a resident who said that he had expended his fireworks at a family gathering, the resident was advised of the possible repercussions of further police attention;
10:24 p.m.: fire, Orange Street, a caller reports a fire, the responding firefighters report a resident with a fire in a fire pit was advised of the burning regulations and extinguished the fire;
10:40 p.m.: trespassing, Munger Hill School, 33 Mallard Lane, a patrol officer reports he encountered a group of teen aged youths playing frisbee in the school’s parking lot, the officer reports the courteous youths were advised of the permissible hours of use of school grounds and left the area without incident.