Emergency Response and Crime Report
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
1:30 a.m.: arrest, Half Mill Falls park, North Elm Street, a dispatcher reports nine persons were seen in the park, the responding officer reports that a check of vehicles parked at the park revealed that one was owned by a person who was the subject of an outstanding warrant, the owner of that vehicle was found, the warrant was confirmed, Ryan J. Bousquet, 18, of 78 Joseph Ave., was arrested on the warrant, the officer reports he spoke with two groups at the park and advised them of the pertinent city ordinances, one group was cooperative and left without incident, the two members of the second group were evasive with their answers and denied that the officer had spoken to the man previously about trespassing at the park;
7:48 a.m.: vandalism, Lockhouse Road, a caller reports BB was shot at a window, the responding officer reports the caller showed him a two by five foot window which had been holed by an apparent BB or pellet gun impact, no projectile was found, the caller said the damage occurred between July 13-15;
8:55 a.m.: vandalism, Woronoco Avenue, a resident came to the station to report his vehicle was vandalized overnight, the responding officer reports that caller said that he parked his SUV about 7 p.m. and in the morning found that paint had been scratched with a sharp instrument, the man said that he has had problems with a neighbor but has no evidence to suggest he was involved and said the incident may be a random act of vandalism;
9:26 a.m.: fraud, Mechanic Street, a resident came to the station to complain that he has been dunned for a utility account he did not open, the responding officer report the man said that he got a call from a collection agency attempting to collect more than $1,000 for an account opened in his name and social security number in Manchester, N.H., the man said that he has never lived in Manchester, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the Detective Bureau;
10:08 a.m.: accident, East Main Street, multiple callers reports a motor vehicle struck a bicyclist at the entrance to the Westgate Plaza, see story in Thursday’s edition of The Westfield News;
10:39 a.m.: disturbance, Southwood Acres, 342 Southwick Road, a woman came to the station to report her boyfriend physically assaulted her, the responding officer reports the woman said that during an argument her boyfriend grabbed her arms and threatened her, the officer noted and documented red marks on the woman’s arms, the woman said physical abuse has been ongoing for about two years, officers sought the suspect at his home but he was not found and a criminal complaint was filed, the woman later returned to the station with a protective order but an attempt to serve the order on the defendant was not immediately successful;
10:55 a.m.: fraud, Apremont Way, a detective in the financial crimes unit reports he was notified by the security officer of a local bank that a customer’s check was diverted, the detective reports that a check for more than $1,000 written by a local company was deposited at an ATM in West Springfield into a personal account at the same bank, the security officer reports that, after the check was deposited, repeated checks of the suspect’s balance were made at various ATMs as if the suspect were attempting to determine if the check had cleared, the case was referred to the West Springfield police;
11:45 p.m.: well-being check, Ludlow police request that city police check on the well-being of Westfield resident whose life and property has been threatened by her father who is a resident of their community and is believed to be armed and suicidal, Ludlow police report the man is estranged from his wife and had set fire to his house, the special response team was deployed but found nothing suspicious at the woman’s home, the resident called to request a check of her home and was advised that police were en route, the woman and her mother were found to be safe at the Springfield court;
2:07 p.m.: vandalism, Union Avenue, a caller reports his windshield was smashed by a known party, the responding officer reports the victim and a witness aid that they have been dating for about three weeks and said that they had been in the victim’s car when the woman’s former boyfriend approached and threatened and challenged the male party who declined to engage the man who punched and shattered his windshield, the officer reports the suspect was found at his residence where he acknowledged his actions and agreed to make restitution, the caller does not wish to pursue criminal charges but wants the suspect to stay away from himself and the woman;
4:59 p.m.: found property, St. Mary’s Church, Bartlett St., a caller reports a children’s bicycle has been left against a fence behind the church all day, the responding officer reports a girl’s purple and black bike was transported to the station for safe keeping;
5:19 p.m.: assist other agency, Jefferson Street, Department of Youth Services officials request assistance serving a DYS warrant, the responding officer reports the subject was found at her home, Des’ray B. King, 17, of 7 Jefferson St., was arrested on the warrant without incident.