Emergency Response and Crime Report
Friday, July 6, 2012
11:19 p.m.: fire, Lincoln Street , a caller reports a car on fire in a driveway, see story on Monday’s edition of The Westfield News;
12:53 p.m.: larceny, WalMart, 141 Springfield Road, a caller reports shoplifters are under observation in the store, the responding officer reports an employee said that he had been observing two women with the store’s security cameras and observed them conceal numerous items in their purses, the employee left the officer in his office and went to confront the two women when they left the store via the garden center without making any attempt to pay for the merchandise, the women were escorted to the office and surrendered items valued at almost $100, many of which the employee had seen the women take from the shelves, Tasha K. Vachon, 19, of 184 Carrington Road, Montgomery, and Annie Chen, 19, of 65 Scenic Road, were each arrested for shoplifting by asportation;
3:44 p.m.: larceny, Clifton Street, a resident came to the station to complain that when she retrieved her vehicle from the police impound yard she found a bag of brass fittings to have been stolen, the responding officer reports the bag of fittings had been noted on the tow form when the vehicle was towed earlier;
5:27 p.m.: vandalism, Elm Street, a caller reports damage to a door, the responding officer reports a hinge for a common door leading to apartments was ripped off the door, the caller indicated that he believed a resident was responsible;
7:21 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, School Street, a traffic bureau officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
8:12 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating without an inspection sticker and with only one registration plate, the officer reports that the vehicle did not immediately stop when he activated his cruiser’s blue lights but drove through a red traffic signal into a parking lot, the operator told the officer that he had never been issued a license, a check confirmed the man’s license, status, revealed the vehicle to be unregistered and revealed that the man was the subject of an outstanding warrant, Christian T. Heath, 17, of 33 Alvord Ave., Chicopee, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, for operating an unregistered vehicle and on the warrant, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
9:13 p.m.: fireworks, Hillcrest Circle, a caller reports seeing fireworks and reporting concern for the fire danger they represent, the officer reports he observed a large aerial display upon arrival and found a gathering of about 70 persons at a Hillcrest Circle address, the officer reports he observed no additional fireworks and advised the residents of the concern and of the possible consequences of further complaints;
9:19 p.m.: assist citizen, Crown Street, a caller reports a bag of jars containing an unknown fluid was deposited in her trash, the responding officer opined that the fluid was paint thinner and requested fire department assistance, the responding firefighters took custody of the jars for positive identification and proper disposal;
10 p.m.: officer wanted, Southampton Road, a caller from a Southampton Road hostelry reports a loud gathering of guests, the responding officers report they found about 100 young persons gathered drinking alcoholic beverages, the guests were advised of city ordinances pertinent to drinking alcohol in public and returned to their rooms.