
Letter: Allie considers Super PAC influence

To the Editor,

On election night, we knew about 3 mailings paid for by the Massachusetts Majority Independent Expenditure PAC. But that did not explain the high voter turnout in a Republican primary, or the unexpected results with an unknown candidate winning by 117 votes. If these deceptive postcards mailed to Don’s supporters misled 60 voters into believing Mayor Don Humason had endorsed Pease, it was enough to change the outcome of the election. Don Humason did not endorse Kelly Pease.

I greatly appreciate Mayor Humason coming to my home on the Friday before the Primary to assure me he had not given permission to any candidate or organization to use his name, photo or endorsement, and for confirming this in a letter to me the day after the primary. I have known Don for 30 years, and became involved in political campaigns and issues because of the integrity and values of Don, Steve Pierce and Mike Knapik. But what convinced of their character were the ordinary citizens who helped in their campaigns. And while I started working on their campaigns in Holyoke, it was the good people of Westfield that led my wife Theresa and I to decide to move to Westfield twenty years ago and raise our family here.

With so few votes deciding the race, it was troubling to discover what other factors affected this primary, by even larger numbers.

A review of the Super PAC’s campaign finance report show donations average over $25,000 per person with some as high as $50.000. It spends $156,000 this year helping 18 Democrats and 4 Republicans, including Kelly Pease. Most voters are unaware of who is influencing their decisions and elections. Super PACs allow billionaires and millionaires to pour unlimited amounts into campaigns, drowning out the voice of ordinary citizens.

The Voter Activity Report became available from the City Clerk the following week. It showed more Independents (1619) than Republicans (1577) and 14 Democrats voted in Westfield’s Republican Primary, Democrats couldn’t vote in a Republican primary. It was determined they had registered as Independents so close to the primary they were still listed as Democrats on the voter rolls. They were not traditional Republican voters. When the list was analyzed it showed that 600 Independents with no history of ever voting Republican, had chosen to vote in this primary.

All of this was very odd, especially with the interest and massive turnout in the Democratic Primary of Neal/Morse and Kennedy/Markey. While the percentage of Independents who regularly vote Republican was in the average range, the number of Independents with no history of voting Republican was off the charts, about 3 times higher than normal. 200 might come out to vote, but not six or seven hundred.

There will always be influences in politics and elections, but the people of Westfield, the ordinary men and women who work everyday to support their families, or run a small business to make a better life should decide our elections, not the local “good old boy network,” big money donors and special interest groups.

After much prayer and consultation with residents and supporters, I decided to launch a write in and sticker campaign. God is faithful. In the end the truth will always shine. With God’s help and the support of the people of Westfield there is no challenge we cannot overcome.

I humbly ask for your prayers, support and vote on November 3rd. You can simply write Dan Allie IN WRITE IN SPACE ONLY for REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT, and fill in the circle on your ballot. For more info, to volunteer or donate, please go to danallie.com or read the upcoming issues of The Pennysaver. Thank you.


Dan Allie


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