“Even if you are on the right track, you will eventually get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers
A good idea is a good idea. As heard recently, Mayor Humason and I share similar views on several issues facing the city, such as the Data Center, the need for a new school, and a thoughtful approach to road improvement. A good idea is a good idea, and most good ideas are generally agreed upon. However, the major difference between the mayor and me is our approach. As someone with years of executive and leadership experience, I know that presence, bias for action, and vision matters.
From my time walking all 719 streets of Westfield, I know those things matter to the citizens, as well. Presence means being out and about, and visible day in and day out, communicating both virtually and in person, especially during times of crisis. Bias for action means looking to make things happen, not waiting for them to happen to you. Vision means seeing what can be, not what is. It is obvious how a leader with presence, bias for action, and vision could have made a difference over the past two years, from securing a COVID testing site to negotiating a better deal for the Data Center. Leadership matters. Good ideas are good ideas, but leadership is what gets things done. That is the difference. Westfield needs a leader who will proactively guide us toward a better tomorrow.
While I love Westfield and agree that it is on the right track, I am not willing to sit with the status quo and get run over. I am taking steps to make sure Westfield is still a place our children can love for years to come. I am hoping you will join me on this journey and vote for me on Nov. 2.
Mike McCabe