To the Editor,
This letter is written in response to Tony Contrino’s update that appeared in
Saturday’s (9/26) newspaper. I moved on to Orange Street in 2001 and have been very satisfied with the service and competitive rates on my gas and electric utilities. I have many friends and relatives in western Mass that have gone 2 or 3 days (and more) at a time without power during ice storms and high wind events.
My longest power outages have been 3 or 4 hours. For that I am grateful.
On the other hand (you knew there would be another hand…right?) I have been very disappointed that the Orange Street area has been totally left out by Whip City Fiber. I have sent emails to my City Councilor, Councilors at Large, the Light Board, State Representative and Senators asking why other communities are getting high-speed internet from Whip City Fiber, and I am not. Of those who did respond (thank you) I was given different reasons why my area has not been hooked up yet, but basically it seems that it comes down to money.
I get it…I really do. If this recently added service can get off the ground quicker by making some dollars connecting some surrounding communities, it makes sense. But it still seems a bit unfair. These communities have not been paying City taxes and utilities as we have, but they get to enjoy the benefits of Whip City Fiber and we don’t.
In your update you said “During this time when so many households are being asked to work and school from home, high-speed internet has become more important than ever.” Guess what…people from my neighborhood are also working and schooling from home. Why should we pay outrageous Xfinity prices, when there is a reasonably priced service from a trusted vendor available (or should be available) in my area?
Please tell me what I can do as a tax paying and utility paying citizen to expedite getting my neighborhood connected, and if anyone reading this is from my neighborhood and is equally disappointed, please make your voice heard. I look forward to your response.
Tom Campbell