To the Editor,
After receiving my Masters Degree in Public Administration, I always knew that I wanted to serve the public at some point. When the position of Town Moderator became open, I thought that this would be an excellent way to serve our community. As I have studied previous Town meetings, attended both Select Board and Finance Committee meetings, I felt compelled to do this for our community. Our soon to be former Moderator, Jim Putnam, has been exemplary in his 25+ year career and I fully intend to engage our Town Meeting participants in the same non-partisan manner which has been his practice.
The two key roles of the Town Moderator are to run a fair unbiased open town meeting (that has a rich history in democracy). These tenets are similar to the way my husband and I have raised our daughters, that All people need to be treated with the same dignity, respect, and kindness. The other major role is to appoint the finance committee. We all must maintain a fiscal responsibility for not only ourselves, but more importantly, for those taxpayers who we serve. This also needs to be done in a fair, unbiased manner, free from past connections which is why I pledge not to seek or accept any other position in Town government.
I hope that you will support me with your vote on June 9th and I look forward to helping move our community forward.
I can be reached at [email protected] or join my Facebook page Celeste St. Jacques for Southwick Town Moderator. I am also hosting a zoom meeting Sundayat 7:30 pm. Meeting ID is 789 6094 7136 and Password is 6bgNUe.
Celeste St. Jacques
Candidate, for Southwick Town Moderator