
Letter to the Editor: Hoose answers questions

To the Editor,

Hello Westfield, especially, Ward 3;

Hi folk…OK, to respond to questions:  who might I vote for, for President…right now Joe Biden.  We really need someone Centrist/moderate that can restore some level of civility and responsibility.  Too many are shoot from the hip types.  Others lack real experience.  There are so many different subjects that a President has to consider, and many are inter-related, that you really have to know the inside track or how things work on the world stage.  There are others that I like, maybe for VP, to gain experiences and insights for their futures.  Another reason for Biden is that too many of the other Dem candidates are using the same Trumpster Tactics that self-titled Republicans are using.  As well, having such extreme program ideas that cannot work as they have presented them.  Yes, we need better healthcare resources; yes we need to deal with College Debt, but their plans won’t work especially with the HUGE National Debt, and deficit spending done by the Republicans.

A Baffle: why are the current version of Republicans supporting legislation that are detrimental to people in Red states?  Cut backs in Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, food programs (Trump wants a Brown Bag kind of policy to replace food stamps, and have the Gov., decide what foods will go into them; talk about Socialism…there it is in its worse form), health care, and other services that benefit the poor?  The Red states are dependent upon our Federal Taxes to supplement their budgets, so as to keep their taxes low, and to act like they do not like BIG government.  Add to this that our Fed Tax dollars pay for a redundancy of military installations in Red states, as well.

Speaking of Taxes: why are so few, self-called conservatives, not complaining about Private Sector Tax increases as: in banking fees, insurance fees, health care fees…things that we pay for so they can do the old pass the costs to the consumer routine.  And, what gets to me is that they celebrate record profits, then raise our costs on them.  To give their exec’s multi-million dollar bonuses, and then raise their rates…are we suckers or what?  A slight of hand and a very good con job that too many Americans believes benefits them.  Oh, ya, why did (3 times) a single Republican member of Congress stop a vote on funds for last year’s disaster relief; site “how we going to pay for it?”  When they can afford to pay for things that benefit those already awash in wealth?  Again, my Hamiltonian thinking tells me this is so very WRONG!

OK, this brings me to another question asked…what do I mean by American Exceptionalism, and what am I up to, and mean by, advocating for an Independent Centrist Voter Network? Independent voters are either a majority or at least a plurality across America.  Many of who are former Dems, and Republicans who feel that they are no longer included or represented by their former Faction Party.  And, that their practices are more detrimental and have deviated from the principles that had them in the two parties.  They are Pro American more than pro party, and do not seek to be in a cult of personality, nor to be loyal to any who use them, and then abuse them and then lose them.  I will explain more soon.  But, thanks for your interest.  Your former, Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose…[email protected]

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