To the Editor,
My grandson, Ethan Flaherty, is running for Westfield’s State Representative. I would like to tell you a little about Ethan, and why I believe that he would do a good job for you.
Most importantly in today’s world, is that he was raised to be a good
person and citizen. His parents, and Glenn and I, have taught him that a life spent in the service of others is a worthy life.
I have always taught him to be ever aware of the Commandment; “Honor
thy Father and Mother.” He was told that this applies to all of the older
generations. He learned this lesson well. Ethan is one of the most respectful,
caring, young men you’ll ever meet.
Ethan is grateful for the gifts he has been blessed with, and he also knows firsthand that some face more difficult challenges. He is running as an “Independent Compassionate Conservative.” A lot of people focus on the word “Independent.” Yet, Ethan’s motivation to serve is driven by his “Compassionate” nature. He wants to serve and represent everyone in Westfield, and he wants to help those in need – be they young people facing struggles in school; those facing addictions or health challenges; those struggling with financial pressures; first and second generation Americans; or, seniors on fixed incomes trying to make ends meet and stay healthy.
Ethan is the fifth generation of our family to live in, and serve, Westfield.
My grandfather worked in the foundry and volunteered at St. Mary’s; my father was the director of public works; Glenn was on the Police Commission; I worked as a labor and delivery nurse at Noble, Providence, and Mercy Hospitals for decades; and, dad, Dave, is a small business owner, volunteer Scout leader, and City Councilor.
Ethan is an Eagle Scout, and he has participated in many projects that
benefited the community. Last year, he helped make the Westfield 350th Pancake Breakfast a great success. During the devastating October snowstorm, Ethan and the Scout team worked to clear trees and storm debris for seniors. Ethan has all of the good characteristics of the “Boy Scouts” you remember from year’s past.
Ethan is new to political representation himself, but he has over ten years
experience working on campaigns for City Council and Mayor.
In the last six months, Ethan has talked with hundreds of people while
campaigning. He tells me that there isn’t a day that goes by that he does not
encounter a number of senior citizens. They have opened their hearts to him.
They’ve expressed their dismay at the divisive extreme political climate, and the disrespectful way people are treating each other and this country. They are not impressed with the behavior of some of the younger “me” generation. They
worry about the future of this country. They worry about the pressure of
escalating costs and taxes have on their fixed incomes, and how it threatens their quality of life. These conversations have left a lasting impression on Ethan. He wants the opportunity to help work toward solutions. We can solve these problems and create a better future for all of us if we work, and pray, and use our vote wisely.
Ethan has brought much joy and pride to our life. He is an intelligent, educated, hard-working, respectful, caring, compassionate young man. I would be very proud to have my grandson represent you in the State House.
I would personally appreciate your vote for him.
Judy (Martin) Willard