
Mayor candidate Q&A: What are our greatest infrastructure needs?

Reminder Publishing sent both Westfield mayoral candidates identical questionnaires covering several topics of interest to voters. Answers are in the candidates’ own words and have not been edited, except for spelling and punctuation. Responses are listed in the order that candidates will be listed in the ballot: incumbent first, then challenger.


Today’s question: Apart from the new elementary school project, what are Westfield’s greatest infrastructure needs, and what is your plan to address them?

Donald Humason: Westfield is an old city with constant needs for infrastructure maintenance and modernization. My team has been working to build the new elementary school in collaboration with MSBA and the School Building Committee. I have also established a committee to begin the process of siting and building a new police station to replace an unhealthy and decrepit facility. Paving city roads and fixing sidewalks will also continue to be a priority of mine. Finally, my ARPA committee is reviewing a number of allowable wastewater and stormwater projects using one-time ARPA funds and annual city and state budget appropriations.

Michael McCabe: The traffic on Holyoke Road has become a serious issue for the residents there. Lanes Quarry has been there since 1902, but they have grown recently and now have almost exclusive contracts to pave MDOT projects because of their capacity. That is exacerbated by the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. schedule they run so as not to inconvenience turnpike traffic. Holyoke Road needs to be reconstructed (city and ARPA). There are several private roads that should be public ways and fixed. There are areas that need sewers that ARPA relief is perfect for. Build a police station and comprehensive high school.


Pick up the newspaper tomorrow and Saturday, Oct. 30, for more questions and answers with the mayoral, Ward 1 City Council and School Committee candidates. For previous questions and answers, visit thewestfieldnews.com/tag/election-2021. Election Day is Nov. 2. Early voting is also available today at City Hall, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and tomorrow, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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