Around Town

October 2012 Students of the month

Munger Hill Elementary School Announces October Students of the Month – Carla Lussier, Principal of Munger Hill Elementary (MHS), along with Todd Cieplinski, owner of Monster Frozen Yogurt, are happy to announce that the students in Mrs. Kathy Wippert’s 2nd grade class are the “Students of the Month” for October, 2012.  The students were awarded MHS bumper stickers noting their achievement, along with a gift certificate to Monster Frozen Yogurt.  The students are; Front Row, Madison Kuzon-Burnette, Nicholas Maslar, Grace Beaulieu, Gavin Bilodeau, Sarah Shoemaker, Alyssa Riopel, Angelise Keating, Lauren Darwick and Justine Trudeau. Second Row; Evan Pohlman, Aaron Bash, James Thibeault, Andrew Lewis, Isabella Kelly, Alexis Masciadrelli, Skye Gordon, Hannah Blake, Gabriel Mujica, Nicolas Valentino and Patrick Flaherty. Back Row; Crayola Carla Lussier, Principal, Todd Cieplinski, Owner of Monster Frozen Yogurt, Candi McGovern, Para-professional,  Kathy Wippert, Teacher and Doppler Dottie O’Neil, Vice Principal.

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