WESTFIELD – Sadie Knox field will have a new scoreboard this year.
Westfield Little League President Scott LaBombard Feb. 10 asked for approval for the scoreboard from the Westfield Parks and Recreation Commission. LaBombard is a member of the Commission, but stepped down from his role to speak on behalf of Little League and abstained from voting.
LaBombard said he noticed the scoreboard was in poor condition last fall. The Westfield Little League is funding the $4,500 scoreboard, which includes remote control operation.
LaBombard noted that the board will include advertising space for Westfield Gas and Electric, which will install the sign for the League.
The sign is 10-feet by 4-feet.
Commissioner Michael Tirrell, who was voted the new chairman Monday, asked about the process for the city to accept the gift.
Parks and Recreation Head Clerk Peg Goralczyk said she would find out the process. City Councilor Cindy Harris was present at the meeting and offered to connect with Mayor Donald F. Humason Jr. as well and believed Humason would need to present the gift for acceptance by the council.
Commissioner Kenneth Magarian, longtime chairman, said they had not followed that process in the past.
“Going back, this was never done, but maybe that wasn’t the right thing,” he said.
LaBombard said Little League opening day was slated for April 18.