
Parks and Recreation Commission seeking funding for field at Whalley Park

SOUTHWICK – The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed an issue with field lighting on one of the baseball field’s at Whalley Park.

The homerun fence around the field is too short and the Parks and Recreation Commission feels that the fence should be put farther back, closer to the light poles.

A suggestion was made that a retaining wall could potentially be put in behind the lights. The reason for having the retaining wall is because there is a slight hill near the left field side of the fence that causes the fence to become uneven.

The Parks and Recreation committee would like to push back home run fence on a baseball field at Whalley Park. (WNG File Photo)

The Parks and Recreation Commission would like to push back the home run fence on a baseball field at Whalley Park. (WNG File Photo)

The projected cost for the retaining wall could be anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000.

The Parks and Recreation Commission received an email from John Goddard of R. Levesque Associates, who is the project manager for this.

Making sure that the fence gets pushed back is important since high school games are played on that particular field. The Parks and Rec Commission wants the field to look more appealing to the high school teams and other older leagues that would be interested in playing on that field.

According to the Parks and Recreation Commission, they don’t have the money to do it at the moment but would like to get funding for the retaining wall.

At the next Parks and Recreation meeting in two weeks there may be a plan set in place as to where to get the funding from and the hope is to have the situation taken care of in the near future.

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