Major crime and incident report
Friday, April 29, 2016
8:09 a.m.: accident, 189 Springfield Road, 1993 Ford Taurus struck telephone pole, ripped bumper off front of vehicle, female driver picked it up and parked inside Riverbend Trailer Park;
10:20 a.m.: burglary/breaking & entering, Montgomery Road, party reported that his foreman discovered that their storage trailer had been broken into and a number of tools and other equipment were stolen;
2:08 p.m.: accident, 5 Princeton St., caller reported that his wife backed up into a parked vehicle, no injuries, no tows;
3:14 p.m.: property found, Greylock Street, caller reported finding a bike on the athletic field;
3:15 p.m.: accident, 9 Grove Ave. at 281 Southampton Road, 2006 Chevy Impala and 2013 Toyota Camry, no injuries, no tows;
4:41 p.m.: accident, 21 Southampton Road, 2014 Nissan (towed) and 2000 Ford, one transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
5:24 p.m.: accident, 88 S. Maple St., 1999 Dodge (towed) and 2006 Ford Econoline (towed), a ladder from the roof of one vehicle went through the window of the second vehicle, one patient transported to Baystate Medical Center and one patient refused medical transport;
6:27 p.m.: traffic or motor vehicle complaint, King Street, party reported she was shot in the ear with a BB when she was operating her vehicle on Washington Street;
10:10 p.m.: found property, Westfield Police Department, 15 Washington St., party brought in a debit card she had found.