Emergency Response and Crime Report
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
12:47 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, East Main Street, a traffic bureau officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired and the car was towed;
3:34 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Barbara Street, a code enforcement officer and a city building inspector responded to a complaint of unregistered vehicles and observed four such vehicles as well as an assortment of motor vehicle parts;
6:29 p.m.: fire, King Street, a caller reports blue flames were seen coming out of the wall of his living room so the residents evacuated, the responding deputy fire chief reports an electrical fire in the wall was extinguished with minimal damage;
8:39 p.m.: arrest, Union Street, a community policing officer reports Corey K. Huard, 32, of 145 Johnson St., Springfield, was arrested on an outstanding warrant;
11:35 p.m.: liquor law violation, Mechanic Street, a community policing officer reports a city ordinance violation citation was issued for a liquor law violation;
Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012
12:05 a.m.: liquor law violation, Church Street, a community policing officer reports a city ordinance violation citation was issued for a liquor law violation;
12:41 a.m.; accident, Union Street, a caller reports hearing a crash and seeing traffic is backed up, the responding officer reports he found that a car which had been eastbound on Union Street crossed the center line of the roadway and stuck a westbound tractor trailer unit head on, the officer reports the operator of the car said that he had been sending a text message immediately prior to the crash, the operator of the car was transported to Baystate Medical Center where he was treated and released;
12:50 a.m.: disturbance, Elm Street, a caller reports a fight in front of an Elm Street bar, the responding officer reports only one of the involved parties was still present and said that he had been assaulted by a person who punched his face after accusing him of looking at his girlfriend, the alleged aggressor had left the area in a vehicle which was not found in an area search, the victim declined treatment for his swollen cheek;
1:10 a.m.: liquor law violation, Mechanic Street, a supervisory officer reports that while working an alcohol suppression detail in response to complaints of college aged residents of the area drinking in public he observed a male party carrying a can of beer, the officer approached the man who turned away and dropped a can over a fence, the can was recovered and city ordinance violation citations for being a person younger than the legal drinking age in possession of liquor and for possession of an open container of alcohol in public were issued;
9:10 a.m.; vandalism, Putnam Drive, a caller reports her tires were slashed, the responding officer reports the caller said that she parked her car in her driveway about 5:30 p.m. and in the morning found both passenger tires had been slashed.