
Police Log, Jan. 13, 2015

Emergency response and crime report
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015
12:01 a.m.: threat to commit a crime, Meadow Street, a caller reports a known party threatened to harm himself and his family, the responding officer reports the complaint stems from a trade of property and that no criminal response is necessary, the man was advised of his harassment order options;
10:07 a.m.: city ordinance violation, King Street, a patrol officer responded to a report of an icy sidewalk and reports that the house appears to be vacant and there is no indication who is responsible for it;
11:22 a.m.: incapacitated person, Broad Street, a patrol officer reports he stopped to assist a male party apparently attempting to retrieve his wine bottle from the snowbank, the officer reports the man was passed out in the snow and when he was able to rouse him the man was unintelligible, the officer reports he did not have alcohol on his breath but did have a large bottle of Listerine next to him, the man was transported to Noble Hospital for evaluation;
11:49 a.m.: larceny, Feeding Hills Road, a caller from a nursing facility reports that property has been stolen from three residents, the responding officer reports that jewelry and cash have been reported stolen in the past week;
3:07 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Jefferson Street, a community policing officer reports she observed a sidewalk which had not been shoveled, the officer reports nobody was at home so a notice was left, the CPO reports she took similar action at eight other Jefferson Street addresses;
4:05 p.m.: disturbance, St. Paul Street, a caller reports her son is out-of-control and breaking the furnishings in the house, the respond officer reports the 13-year-old boy was arrested for being delinquent by reason of defacing or vandalizing property;
5:09 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to have been revoked for lack of insurance and it was towed to the police impound yard.

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