
Police Log, Nov.27, 2014

Emergency response and crime report
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014
1:01 a.m.: parking violation, Orange Street, a patrol officer reports that three vehicles were parked on the street in violation of the snow parking ban, a citation was issued, citations were issued for similar infractions on East Bartlett Street, Chestnut Street and Smith Avenue;
1:19 a.m.: incapacitated person, Main Street, a caller reports an inebriated person left an Elm Street bar and is sitting in a parked pickup truck, the dispatcher remained on the line with the caller until police arrived and found the man in the truck, the man’s father came to the scene to transport his son home, the truck was parked until the morning;
9:39 a.m.: weather complaint, McKinley Terrace at Lindbergh Boulevard, a caller repots a large limb has fallen and lodged in another tree but the caller believes that it is still a threat to fall on passing vehicles, the responding officer reports that he limb is hanging low over the street and could be struck by a high profile vehicle, the DPW was notified
5:26 p.m.: suspicious text message, a caller reports receiving a text message which referenced a homicide, the responding officer reports he was able to track down the caller in New Hampshire and speak with him by phone, the person said that the text was a joke which was inadvertently sent to the wrong number, the man identified himself to the officer’s satisfaction and apologized;
5:50 p.m.: suspicious person, Southwick Road, a caller from a Southwick Road liquor store reports a woman is sleeping in front of his store and he finds it suspicious in light of previous break-ins, the office reports that the woman said that she had a verbal dispute with her boyfriend took a walk to calm down, the woman accepted a courtesy transport to her boyfriend’s apartment where the resident agreed that the dispute had been purely verbal;
10:25 p.m.: disturbance, Lewis Street, a caller reports hearing what she believes to be two gunshots from a neighbor’s home where the residents appear to be fighting, the responding officer reports that he spoke with the residents and was told that the noises were a slamming screen door, the occupants were identified and one was found to be the subject of an active warrant, Jose Luis Curbelo, 32, of 140 Union St., was arrested on a warrant issued in 2010 by Springfield District Court.

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