
Police Log, September 28, 2012

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Friday, Sept. 28, 2012
12:43 a.m.; noise complaint, East Bartlett Street, a caller reports a large college aged party is disturbing her peace, the responding officer reports the resident was advised to ask her approximately 25 guests to leave, a male party seen leaving the gathering was observed to be drinking from a large beer bottle and a city ordinance violation citation for possession of an open container of alcohol in a public place was issued;
1:07 a.m.: larceny, Prospect Street, a caller reports a larceny at his home, the responding officer reports the caller said that he was gone for about an hour and returned to find his laptop computer was missing from his bedroom, the man said that when he investigated he found that his father’s trousers which contained his wallet and keys were also missing, no sign of forcible entry was found;
5:30 a.m.: breaking and entering, Shepard Street, a resident came to the station to complain that his mountain bike and video game system were stolen from his residence, the responding officer reports the man said that he had been drinking with other parties in the woods and believes one of his companions followed him home and stole his property after he passed out;
10:50 a.m.; harassment, Union Avenue, a caller reports she has been threatened by the defendants of a harassment protective order, the responding officer reports the caller said that when she went outside of her residence to smoke two neighbors who were served harassment protective orders on Wednesday came outside and she heard them taking about retaliating against her for filing the orders by beating or killing her, the officer reports he spoke with the suspects who denied threatening the woman but admitted being on the porch which is in itself a violation of the order, Eric J. Perez, 27, and Hector L. Casanova, 23, both of 11 Union St., were each arrested for violation of a harassment protective order;
11:30 a.m.; attempted breaking and entering, Pochassic Road, a caller reports somebody tried to break into her apartment, the respond officer reports the caller said that she heard someone trying the doorknob and said that when she went to check that her alarm was turned on a male party at the door saw her and walked away;
12:27 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Union Street, a traffic bureau officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to have been revoked for lack of insurance, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
1:05 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Elm Street, a traffic bureau officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
4:31 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Court Street, a traffic bureau officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
7:34 p.m.: disturbance, Park Square Townhouses, 140 Union St., a detective reports that while at the apartment complex for an unrelated matter he encountered a family party who was visibly upset and crying, the detective reports that the woman said she was assaulted by her husband and showed him injuries on her left arm and throat, the detective found the woman’s husband nearby who acknowledged injuring his wife but said he acted in self defense when she threatened him with a knife, the woman said that she acted in self defense and the officer reports no knife was found out of place in the residence, the couple’s three-year-old daughter was questioned and her responses indicated that the male party was the aggressor, John Karr Self, 24, of 140 Union St., was arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship and the Department of Children and Families was notified that the girl had observed the altercation;
9:41 p.m.: suspicious persons, Paper Mill Elementary School, 148 Paper Mill Road, a patrol officer reports he observed persons on the playing fields flee upon his approach and four juveniles were detained, the officer reports he discovered bottles which indicated that the four youths and at least one other had been drinking ‘hard’ lemonade and small amounts of hard liquor, the four detained juveniles were transported to the station where their parent came to take custody of them, one parent brought a fifth boy to the station, many of the empty bottles had been broken and the children’s parents agreed that their children will clean the broken glass from the playing field in daylight;
9:50 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Elm Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating at excessive speeds on Clay Hill narrowly avoid a collision with a vehicle entered the roadway and the vehicle was stopped, the officer noted an odor of alcohol about the operator who subsequently failed a field sobriety test, Travis R. Lucia, 40, of 62 Jefferson St., was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and for speeding;
11:09 p.m.: liquor law violation, Lozier Avenue, community policing officers report a liquor law violation, a city ordinance violation citation was issued;
11:47 p.m.: liquor law violation, Elm Street, a community policing supervisor reports a liquor law violation at an Elm Street bar, city ordinance violation citations were issued to two parties.

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