Major crime and incident report
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018
12:08 a.m.: vandalism, Franklin Street, a resident came to the station to complain that his vehicle was vandalized while parked at a social club, the responding officer reports that the rear window of the car was smashed;
12:10 a.m.: disturbance, Maple Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the responding officers report that peace was restored;
12:27 a.m.: disturbance, Clark Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the responding officers report that peace was restored;
1:00 a.m.: disturbance, Lincoln Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the responding officers report that peace was restored;
1:24 a.m.: disturbance North Elm Street, a caller from a North Elm Street bar reports a physical altercation was quelled but a person may be injured, the responding officer reports he was told a person threw a chair at another patron for no apparent reason, one person suffered a scalp laceration and a bar employee had been bitten, both victims were transported to Baystate Noble Hospital, Luis O. Pedraza, 26, of 811 Worthington St., Springfield, was arrested for assault with a dangerous weapon and assault and battery with serious bodily injury;
3:53 a.m.: disturbance, Shepard Street, a caller reports a college related disturbance, the responding officers report that peace was restored;
7:20 a.m.: vandalism, Hubbard Street, a caller reports vulgar graffiti has been found on the bathrooms at the spray park, responding officers report the same or similar vulgarity was also spray painted on a van, a pickup truck and a street sign in the area, a mail box was also knocked over;
9:40 a.m.: vandalism, Bartlettt Street, a caller reports his post and rail fence was damaged overnight, the responding office reports posts had been snapped at the base;
11:32 a.m.: vandalism, William Street, a caller reports tires on his vehicle were slashed, the responding officer reports the incident is under investigation;
11:50 p.m.: incapacitated person, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a male party sleeping on the sidewalk who was highly intoxicated, the man was transported to Baystate Noble Hospital.