
Pulse Line, July 13, 2012

Dear Pulseline: I have two questions concerning the clock tower and the water cannons. First the cannons; when will they be put into operation, and what time will they be firing? I can’t wait to see them working. Secondly, the clock tower. When the clock was first put into operation and the sides dropped down to reveal the whip maker inside, the piece representing the rawhide being woven into a whip use to spin around the barrel. This does not happen anymore. Please don’t tell me it is broken already. I know there have been a lot of complaints about the cost of this clock. I was not one of the complainers, but I will be if we spent all this money and it is broken already. Sorry to bother you with these questions, but I don’t know who else to ask.

I heard the Harry Potter clock is not working and has been repaired twice – and any more repairs the city must pay for. Could you please check this out? Thank you.

I’m calling about a Westfield cop that retired June 9 and why he’s wearing a uniform directing traffic after he’s retired? To me, that’s like double dipping. You’re collecting a pension but yet you’re back to wearing a Westfield uniform and working. Could someone please explain why this is allowed? I’d very much appreciate it.

That was a very weak excuse from the mayor why the Stars and Stripes are not flying in Park Square. In past days it was in very worse shape than it is now and, yet, the flag was flying. Also, as a Vietnam vet, I want to know why it was not made public that Westfield troops were coming into the airport. During the first part of this war we were all invited, everybody, to welcome the soldier’s home at Westover and the general in charge made it very plain we were all welcome. Why was it such a secret only for a select few? We, as Vietnam vets never enjoyed this, but we would like to bring these guys home with a lot more than we received. So let’s make these returns public. Maybe we didn’t clearly explain the response we got from City Hall as to why the flag is not currently being flown at Park Square: For safety reasons, during construction the City of Westfield had to relinquish responsibility of Park Square to the contractors doing the work. Even though the construction appears to have been completed, the contractor has not yet given back to the city the responsibility of Park Square which would allow the city to again fly the U.S. flag. We have been assured that once the city regains control of Park Square that the flag will again fly. Be comforted that there is no anti-U.S. flag conspiracy at work.

This is to the mayor and his ridiculous answer as to why the flag is not flying in the city, downtown in the park? Does he know his history? How about Fort Sumter? Under bombardment; never lower the flag. Grow up, Mr. Mayor. Ugh. See above.

I had a conversation, so-to-speak, with a young person in Stop & Shop’s checkout lane. She was yakking a mile a minute on her phone while the cashier was trying to take care of her. She dropped her keys, she dropped money, she sat there filing through her purse while she was trying to find what she was looking for. At that point I told her to be talking on the phone while someone is waiting on her is extremely rude. She went off giving me a hysterical comment of “I don’t need you telling me what to do.” You know what… This country is going to hell. Common sense and common courtesy has gone out the window. Then, one of the assistant managers asked me if there was a problem and I said “No. Only that she’s rude.” He then started to slap my hand, so-to-speak, and I told him that I’m too old for this nonsense, give me a break, I’ll speak to the manager tomorrow.

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