
PulseLine, April 1, 2013

I see in the paper Friday, Good Friday, that there’s been approved for the Mary Noble estate on Noble Street for the senior center. I don’t now why it takes so long. Anyway, I’m glad they got it. In other words, if there’s any controversy over it, I just don’t understand it. She had a will and what is a will for? But you know how Westfield politics are. They probably wanted it for something else, but they couldn’t get it. Thank you.

The Run Westfield event that is happening this weekend is sure to be a large, fun event and raise a lot of money for the Officer Torres Fund. However, I don’t think that people realize that only the WALK part of this event is raising money for Officer Torres. Where is the RUN money going? I’m guessing it’s to pay for the prize money and the salaries of the organizers.  It is a SHAME that the City of Westfield and local businesses are so involved with this new event and do not offer the same support to the other two other races for Westfield NON-PROFITS (The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield and Noble Hospital). Run Westfield is taking money away from these non-profits because the turnout is not/will not be as high as previous years. How can these non-profits compete with a run that offers a supposed $29,000 in prize money and has a whole-city party afterwards? I don’t blame people for wanting to participate in raising money in Officer Torres’ name. However, I feel that the organizers of Run Westfield have not been completely honest in their motivation for starting this event and where the money is going. I hope they respond to this and set my mind at ease.

I see where somebody wrote in what a great job Mayor Knapik is doing. That must have been a relative of his because he’s really praising him. Personally I don’t think he’ll get another term. Unless somebody doesn’t oppose him, ya know, he’ll get back in, unfortunately. Have you seen the roads yet? I know it’s time for them to open up the paving business and get some roadwork done. But even last year when they opened it, they did a lousy job patching holes. I don’t think Knapik is a great mayor but he belongs with Obama and the rest of them, Patrick. He likes to spend, spend spend spend. Have a good day.

Yes, I’m calling how I support what the Springfield Housing Authority has done: no smoking on their properties starting April 1st. All apartment complexes should be that way in Massachusetts. No smoking on the properties. No smoking in the buildings. That is one good idea. We should all support that.

What a great event held this past Saturday in Westfield. The Run Westfield Flat Fast 5K & Officer Torres Memorial 5K Walk was an outstanding occasion that as I can see will only grow. It was an incredible turnout with thousands of smiles on all involved. It certainly will be a great fundraiser and community builder in the years ahead. Congratulations to the organizers for putting it all together. I only hope Mayor Knapik took note of the beautiful neighborhoods of Western Avenue as he pushed his family down the street. Please keep in mind we live here and love this area. Rebuild the roads and sidewalks but please do not bow to WSU and look at only their needs. The integrity of this area needs to be maintained, not turned into West (East) Main St. The parking lots belong on Rte 20. It is probably only a matter of time before WSU announces more buildings down there instead of lots. Please Mr. Mayor stand up for this and do it right! Presidents, faculty, staff and students come and go, the neighborhoods and residents are here to stay.

To the person that lamented the disinterest of the voters in the mayor’s state of the city address: did it ever occur to you that the public has given up caring because we have no control over the mayor’s lavish spending other than to vote him out? Also, a sweep of the yes men on the council would be in order. As far as the state of the city, just look around – it’s a mess.

Yes, I’m passing our wonderful “beautiful” park downtown. They replaced all the lights and they look brighter than ever. It looks ridiculous. It looks like it belongs in a huge city like New York. Why did they replace them with the brightest lights in the world? Does anyone else think those lights are the dumbest thing they’ve ever seen? I wish they would call in, too, so I could know it’s not just me.

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