
PulseLine, August 31, 2013

As an individual who travels over the new bridge north every day, I have a concern about the three lanes of traffic in front of Pilgrim Candle!! One would think the left lane is to go left, the middle lane is to go straight to the North End and the right lane is to go down Union St. I am told by a Police Officer at the Traffic Bureau, that, that is not true. The right lane is supposed to enter into the center lane where the white line is broken. I will tell you, this is ridiculous. Traveling in the middle lane, because that’s the direction I need to be; more often then not; someone in the right lane nearly side swipes me. The Officer indicated, they have had many complaints about this area, but the State did the design and it’s not going to change. I would like to have anyone who has had issues with this write into the Pulse Line. It is an accident waiting to happen and it will be serious!!! Thank You

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