
PulseLine, February 18, 2013

Hello, I just wanted to comment in regards to the current and recently completed roadwork, parks, and bridge projects in Westfield (over the past few years).  I want to say THANK YOU and how truly grateful I am for what has been and will be accomplished in this city. I realize the inconvenience it has caused some folks and the griping that has touched many folks; but I truly believe that God has blessed this city, and it is a very good thing.  So thanks again to The Mayor, City Council, fellow residents, obviously the many construction workers, police officers, and others behind the scenes, for their patience and goodwill.  I appreciate your involvement and I pray for you.  Sincerely, A Westfield Resident

As most of you, I suspect, I just got my excise tax bill. My car is a 1991.  The excise tax is nearly $80.  This is totally insane!

While I think the idea for the featured “cant live without it” music series is a good idea, it seems to fail miserably in the respect that it basically features songs “classic rock stations” play repetitiously until I’m now sick of the songs I used to love…  then to read about them again after I hear them every day?  Sorry, but now I CAN live without it, thank you.  I think the series should instead concentrate on great songs and artists that are lesser known, yet remain a great, albeit unrecognized, under rated, or forgotten talent. I would like the prospect of discovering a great song, or artist that otherwise, I may never have found or been able to enjoy thanks to corporate radio, unyielding playlists, and corporate greed. To hype up songs we already know doesn’t take much talent or effort, but to bring us something good to listen to that would otherwise be overlooked, that is truly great.

Hi! Yeah, I read the other day how the mayor is trying to look for the little league funding for the rebuild the school, which he said that wasn’t going to happen.  And I know I waited a couple days to call. I thought the little league parents and taxpaying people would call and complain.  Does anybody want to know more about this? The school costs more than it’s supposed to, we know it don’t fit.  He’s getting sued at it and now he wants more money for the little league field.  Self-explanatory.  The guys an idiot.  Bye.

I read with interest this Dean of Students commenting that one a half million dollars since 2009 has come back to the local economy.  I might add that 7 percent of that gets kicked back to the Westfield State College.  That’s a pretty hefty fee for card services.  Ouch.

Really the Westfield paper is not worth the money I’m paying for it.  The reason is because my paperboy is very good and I’m glad he knows the work ethic. That’s why I’m keeping it.  Wake up down there!  What would you like in the paper that isn’t here already? Please call our owner and let him know. 562-4181.

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