
Neighbor claims fowl

WESTFIELD – Four chickens were taken into custody Friday evening and peace was restored to a Russellville Road neighborhood.
City police report that a 7:37 p.m. caller from the rural road complained that a neighbor’s chicken was on his front porch.
Officer Seth Florek responded a few minutes later and reports that the complainant said that his neighbor’s chickens are on his property daily and sleep on his porch at night.
However, when Florek spoke with the neighbor in question, that resident denied ownership of the birds.
Florek also spoke with other residents of the area but none claimed the fowl.
The officer then contacted a Southwick chicken farmer known to  cooperate with the police department who agreed to take custody of the chickens.
The chicken rancher agreed to keep the birds pending identification of their owner.
He said that the birds appeared to be laying hens and thus not well suited for a barbeque.

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