
PulseLine, February 5, 2013

Hello Southwick PulseLine readers, small town accusations being thrown around like a volleyball don’t necessarily do anything for the good of the “town” except roll “so called” good reputations around in the motocross mud. As one who has been reading the articles pertaining to Ms. Cesan and the other Selectmen members over the last couple of months I would like to make a few comments. Perhaps it might be in your best interest to find some common ground on which to agree so that you can actually make viable decisions pertaining to town affairs. Can you not for once put your egos aside and just listen to each other for a few moments? Ms. Cesan is part of this board and it’s time to pull up your big boy panties and just get on with the job we elected you to do. This goes for Mr. Stinehart as well. For one who holds such responsibility he appears very eager to avoid actually stepping up to the plate. As for Ms. Pendleton’s recent remarks in the paper, I can only recommend that you realize there are many towns folk who congregate in the same watering holes you do. If you are really concerned about your “character” being attacked then I suggest you take a long look in the mirror. You have already done more damage than Ms. Cesan could ever attempt with your potty mouth and bad public behavior. Just because your job ends at 5 o’clock doesn’t mean you can hang your Town Office Employee badge on the hook at the door and think you’re not responsible for your actions in how they reflect upon your employer…the people of Southwick.

Hi yeah I’m reading the paper about “The city obeys laws of unintended consequences” here and worried about what’s a park, public park, private park. And at the end of it you want to do a dog health committee, too. We don’t need no more committees. We need to come up with ways to fix our taxes and lower it. I’ve owned my house for 12 years. In the 12 years I’ve owned my house, it tripled. And I’m not the only one. All of Westfield had their house triple. So, in 12 years, the city is making three times more money than it used to. And it still ain’t enough and you guys gotta raise it more. We got Home Depot’s, Lowe’s, all these big businesses in that time. Nothin’s went down. You guys gotta smarten up and fix the goddamn taxes. Thank you. Bye.

This message is for anybody that’s interested about the construction of Drug Store Hill. The other day, I noticed a couple of cranes there, so construction has started and hopefully it will be completed pronto. I would also like to know if the bridge on Notre Dame Street was inspected in January. Thank you. Bye bye.

There has been a back and forth between two PulseLiners regarding the 2nd Amendment. One seems to operate from facts the other out of context of the times in which it was written. As someone who has actually studied history for 50+ years throw in my 2 cents. Our American Revolution, and later in1787 the Right to bear arms came about as did a number of Amendments, due to an effort of a monarch and a Mercantilist Parliament to regain control of their American colonies by reimposing Old World policies and practices. The average American did bear arms and there were no regulations against it. We even had laws on the books that everyman to bring a gun to church to protect themselves from attack by Native peoples, wild animals and foreign factions, etc. There was no real dispute over gun ownership. It was a necessity of the times. The long standing debate about the wording of the 2nd was that of the relationship between the right to bear arms and the relationship to the establishment of the militias. One point for Constitutionalists gun owners that is often left out of their debate is that by the Constitution militias were to “well regulated by the governor” of each state, and in service to the central government. And the name militias was replaced at the end of the 19th century by the term National Guard. The contexts of the time were: we had a very small national standing army. In part wanting to deter from any faction using it against other factions, and a rejection of a military class, as in the Old World. If America was attacked each state would mobilize their militias. The person who is writing out of context with the times leaves out that in those days the men of a militia were more responsible to provide their own weapons. Yes some units were issued weapons, but even in the Civil War units both North and South soldiers, and especially officers supplied their own weapons. The problem we are having with the debate about “the right to bear Arms” is that too many “leaders” are committed to staying on message than resolving the conflict. NRA says we need to enforce laws on criminals, correct, but those to whom we are reacting were not “criminals” until they murdered. The real issue for their own message is their fear of our own government. For many of these rather than make the effort to be involved in our government, and work to persuade a majority of voters to their issues it is easier to arm yourself and wait. In the meantime, do nothing about our moral social responsibility to prevent murder by those who are dangerous to us all. The other side is get rid of guns, and gun mentality. OK, what about wars; we have plenty of enemies out there where we depend upon having members of our population willing and able to kill and die for our nation and its interests. As someone in the behaviorist field for 40 years, psychology cannot predict who will kill. It can project who might. It is more of a reverse analysis tracking back why a person who is emotionally disturbed killed. OK then what to do? Social attitudes, and civic responsibility are key to dealing with the problem. However the fact is, regrettably, not to be able to end it by to reduce it. Unfortunately too many in leadership really don’t want to relinquish control, status, etc., thus will not enable the general population to do what it actually takes to make things work. And, too many in the general population want the responsibility or take the risks even if they did. It is reminiscent of the 911 Pres. Bush comment that the best way to help is to go shopping so they would have the money to take care of this for us. The only hope is that as a nation of many diverse factions those who can and will take on these responsibilities will have the courage to re-emerge to do so. Brian Hoose, and please attach my name to this PulseLine. Thank you.

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