
PulseLine, February 5, 2014

Well, Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter. My seeing a robin last week at River Bend near Southampton Road parking lot isn’t so funny now. It looks like a serious situation. Six more weeks of cold vs. early spring. Whose prediction will win, Phil or Robin? Now this is going to be pretty darn interesting. Thank you.

Old Man Winter is bearing down on us once again and this prompts me to make a remark and ask a question. On a scale of 1-10 I give all the work done on the roads before during and after a storm a grade of 9. Now, my question: how much are private contractors paid for plowing and sanding during a storm? I have heard varying amounts so I’m asking this newspaper to please print the amount that these contractors are paid. I do understand that there is upkeep on their plowing equipment and vehicles. Thank you.

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