
PulseLine, July 17, 2013

Congratulations to all who made the Westfield YMCA Y’s Kids Character Value Awards posted in the July 15 edition of the Westfield News. And I stand in awe of everyone who participates in the program. Thank you, Westfield News, for giving these citizens the stand-out they deserve.

Yes, today is July 16, the vote in Springfield for the casino.  If Springfield doesn’t approve, what about here in Westfield? We could use the casino here to up the economy, up by the turnpike.  So, think about it, people of Westfield.  We could use the casino here. A comment in the PulseLine a week or two ago asked about utilizing the space near Barnes Airport for a casino. One of the gaming companies originally looked at that space and could not come to an agreement with the property owners.

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