
Pulseline, June 6, 2014

To the person in charge of the DPW: For over a month, we’ve called and asked nicely if someone could bring a grater up here and fix Stone Path Rd. So far, it’s cost over $1000 to fix our vehicles because of the potholes. Also, how come nobody answers the phone? It always goes to the answering machine. We are taxpayers, we are asking nicely to fix our road. Thank you.

Yes, I’m reading The Westfield News. I see where Martha Coakley was in town at Leo’s. You know I was going to go there. I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I didn’t want to run into her. I particularly don’t care for her and what she is trying to do. She’s a power-hungry person, same as Obama and I’m sure he’ll be up here two or three times funding for her. I was reading The Westfield News on Wednesday and I see a picture of Mr. Paul on the front page about the controversies, the attendance for the city council meetings. Well, I thought it was not a good move for Mr. Paul to go on the council because he is out of town a lot and I don’t think they have such a thing on the council as a part-time, you can only attend when you feel like it… Mr. Paul is a good man. Don’t get me wrong. But I don’t think he should have got elected for that position. They knew what his attendance would be because of his travelling. So, I would like to see Mr. Paul resign from that position, and let somebody in there who will vote when they need the votes. Thank you.

Hello. I’m calling because I saw your article about the Emerald Shield finalists in the paper but what happened to the Bronze Tablet finalists from Westfield High School? I just keep looking for the article but I don’t see it. Hopefully it will be coming soon.

Hi! I was just reading in the Tuesday paper that they said that the Pochassic Street Bridge is opening right on schedule and right on budget. Four years ago it was supposed to be open in two years and now it is four years later and they said they couldn’t work on it because they didn’t have enough money at the time because of the new bridge that they were building downtown. But now, all of a sudden, four years later, it is all of a sudden done on schedule and done on budget. Hm, that’s funny. Four years later the two-year bridge is done but it is done on schedule.

To the driver of the white Kia with the New Hampshire license plate who almost ran the lady over with the bright yellow jacket in a crosswalk this morning: just wanted to let you know she’s OK. She just managed to jump back in time out of the crosswalk so you wouldn’t hit her at 40 mph and slow you down on the way to get your coffee at the local coffee shop. So I just wanted to let you know. I could see how guilty you felt because you almost hit the brakes at the end of it, when you turned right, so… just wanted to let you know she’s OK.

Hi! I don’t blame the veterans complaining about the VA hospitals and the long wait but it doesn’t stop there. My primary care physician, to make an appointment with him, you have to book it four months in advance. The same thing for my diabetes doctor. She’s booked six months. Totally booked up for six months. My gastroenterologist, she’s usually booked up for around three months. So, something is wrong with the medical system, obviously. They send you to a nurse practitioner. That’s not a doctor. Our insurance companies are paying these people doctor’s fees. So, the doctors are just getting richer off these nurse practitioners that are actually not doctors. They don’t have the experience that a doctor does. Thank you.

Southwick Police Department: I know College Highway, Route 10 and 202 is a state road but I believe you can issue tickets on it. Right through the center of town with the new traffic pattern, with the left-turn lane in the middle, we have people making a right-hand turn, we have people driving up through town in that middle lane, passing everybody so they don’t have to slow down. Would it be possible to get out there and start passing out some tickets? Not warnings. Tickets! Have a good day, gentlemen.

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