
PulseLine, March 12, 2013

Hi! I have a great idea. Since the dogs go to Stanley Park and they pee and poop all over the field, and people either clean it up or they don’t clean it up, whichever thing that they’re think that they’re doing at the time… Stanley park is huge! Why don’t they have a dog park there and not let the dogs go around and be able to be free to pee or poop anywhere. They could just pee or poop in a special place, the dogs would be there, the dog lovers would be happy, and the people that wanted to go on the grass where there was no dogs pooped or peed lately would be happy, too. Solution solved.

Yes, I’d just like to comment on the dumb idiot who thinks they have the balls to yell things out of the windows when people are walking around and saying inappropriate gestures as they’re driving away in their car yelling at the pedestrians. They obviously don’t have pretty much any balls and they’re not that tough. They can think that they’re so all that, that they can do that and keep driving. Ya know, not real smart, ya know? Sounds to me like a little chicken is that think they’re so special that they can say nasty things out of a window at pedestrians is pretty immature and childish and shows how much immature intellectual stupid they really are and how much trash they really are. So, I’d figure I’d comment about that on Franklin Street and around the areas and people need to invest in community service stuff and start picking up trash along the town of Westfield. Starting to get looking pretty gross. So, I’d figure I’d comment that, too. They should crack down on that a little bit more. Bye.

Dear Pulse Line, This is regarding the Government Meetings Section of the Newspaper (usually page 3).   I have noticed that the Meeting Date and time for the Southwick Selectmen’s Meeting is rarely listed.   Most of the time for Mondays the note states “No Meetings Scheduled”.   This is completely inaccurate, because there are meetings scheduled just not listed.   Southwick Selectmen Meetings are usually schedule for every Monday or every other in the Summer.   I realize by law that they don’t have to inform you of their meetings but it would be nice since you have this section of the paper and are trying to keep people informed.  It seems like all the other committees in Southwick can get it right Finance, Economic Development, Library, Planning Board, Park and Rec.   Why not the Board of Selectmen?  Maybe one of the 5 Secretaries working in the Selectmen’s Office and/or Chief Administrators Office could just send you a quick email when they are aware of the meeting schedule.   Please let me know what you find out from those wonderful hard working people over at town hall.   Thank you.

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