
PulseLine, May 21, 2013

Good morning. I’m calling concerning the rail trail contract that was actually submitted, and I realize there’s a couple of bridges involved on the bike trail that’s going to happen, we hope within the next year or so. I’m definitely for the bike trail but there’s one little part that’s really starting to bother me. As you talk about where the funds would come from – I know you’re waiting for some funds from the state, But chapter 90 funds… Now, chapter 90 all these years, always has had road repair, road replacement, and because of the condition of our roads, and we have a lot of bad roads in the city of Westfield, chapter 90 funds for a bike trail? I hope this is a separate bike trail fund that says chapter 90, not chapter 90 and it really should be for our inner city roads. Time will tell. I’m sure this is not going to happen over night. But God bless chapter 90 funds for roads. Thank you. Chapter 90 funds were used years ago to acquire the rail line. They are commonly used for engineering and design work, right of way acquisitions and project management. Additionally, they can be used to create parks along newly created roads. The Columbia Greenway is a project conceived nearly twenty years ago. When completed, it is projected to provide an economic boost to downtown Westfield. Mayor Knapik is committed to ensuring this important project is finished in a timely fashion and the judicious use of chapter 90 funds will be critically important to keep this project moving forward.

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