
PulseLine, May 22, 2013

Good afternoon Westfield News readers. Once again Spring is upon us and you can smell it in the air. No, its not the aromatic flowers in bloom it is the sudden surge in chemically treated lawns. It is once again the season of Chem Lawn and other such chemical lawn treatments (yes, some of the sprays and pellets homeowners apply themselves are potentially just as toxic). I know that green lawns have become a fundamental priority to most homeowners but it might be wise to consider something less toxic and less detrimental to both the environment and the health of your family. There is a reason they put that little yellow sign warning you to keep your children and even your pets off the grass after a treatment. The reason is its toxic and very likely carcinogenic and its not just me who thinks so. Please read about this for yourself instead of taking the word of the company that provides it and makes over a billion dollars each year selling it. Some of the information on how potentially dangerous these treatments are might shock you. I implore you to not just coast through another season thinking your one lawn makes no difference because it does. For those convinced that these treatments are safe I invite you to recall DDT. That was once considered very safe too. They sprayed it on beaches even on people not to mention into the air. Everything is safe until someone finds that is isn’t. Why risk your health and that of your families? Do you think your pets heed that warning to keep off the grass? Do you think your children do? They go out barefoot all the time and are exposed to toxins in the safety of their home. In the end what do you get? Grass that is a little greener? I wrote in on this topic last year and only one person was both interested and nice enough to respond. I appreciated their comments and wish more people thought as he or she did. I hope I can change some minds on this.

Yes, I was calling, I just want to give a large, loud thank you to the residents of 40 Montgomery Street, and an employee of NuCorner by the name of Kate, who are, as I speak to you now, are out bleaching and hosing down the stains from last night’s truck fatality. The family lives four doors away and the cops didn’t think twice about fully cleaning the scene. Then again, the cops covered the company name on the door before they covered the body. Says a lot about how this investigation will go. Thank you. Actually, the company that owns the truck covered their own door.

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