
PulseLine, October 8, 2013

This is about the Westfield teachers. First of all, I would like to address all of the ignorant people who are complaining about them, but let me make a quick comparison, the teachers want something, but still go to work and do their job every day. The government that runs our country wants something, so they shut down. I just couldn’t resist drawing that comparison. I support the teachers. If somebody asked me to work multiple extra hours a day without getting paid, I would be upset too! The Westfield teachers have a lot on their plates and do not deserve to be taken for granted like they are. They do a great job, sometimes under less than ideal circumstances. Unfortunately ignorant people do not understand why the teachers are speaking out and just naturally assume they are greedy and ungrateful. Nobody goes into teaching thinking they will get rich quick, everybody knows that, but teachers are taken for granted and underpaid and deserve more. Without them, where would we be. We are lucky to have a group of teachers who stand up for what they deserve and not just stand by and allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Hopefully this will teach the next generations to work hat for what they deserve. Even by not teaching extra, they are teaching a valuable lesson. I have gone through the Westfield school system myself and have seen some of the stuff that the teachers have to put up with and can clearly understand their position. So Stop complaining about the teachers “not doing their jobs” when they are doing exactly what they are being paid for and still doing a great job while doing it.

This is to Mr. Frazer and the other big game hunters over on Union Street in Westfield. The poor moose was a youngster and things could have been done to get it out of the state and off the property, maybe to another state like Vermont. Just like it was said in the PulseLine already. But I was just wondering where his address is because I want to be invited to the barbecue they’re going to be having. That backstrap is going to melt in your mouth. That’s sick. Stick to skunks and cats and dogs. There’s no reason for killing that poor animal. Unfortunately, this is from an ex-hunter who loves to eat wild game. But there was no need for it. It’s out of season and they had better be fined for it because there’s no call for that kind of stuff. Westfield, good old Westfield…

Yes, I was reading in the paper about the moose that they shot in this city the other day. That was very unsportsmanlike conduct. You wonder why hunters get a bad rap. Because of police officers who do something dumb by killing a poor innocent moose that had no chance, no sporting chance at all. And what did they do with the carcass? I hope they gave it to the poor to eat or something like that. I hope the moose carcass wasn’t just wasted by sending it to a rendering plan or something. These cops in Westfield, they got to think next time before their actions. The moose wasn’t bothering anybody. The people were bothering the moose. You know they say the code of silence, people don’t want to report things. You know why they don’t want to report crimes? Because the police treat you like a criminal when you report a crime.

Good Morning! I’d like to find out about this red hawk that is supposedly getting rid of all of our birds and squirrels. I’ve lived up here all my life and I’ve never seen a red-tailed hawk and I still haven’t seen one around here. But there must be a thousand of them, if they’re killing them or whatever they’re doing to them in Westfield and West Springfield and Holyoke and other surrounding cities. I just don’t think that’s the answer. There’s got to be a different answer and I wish somebody knew exactly what is happening to them. Thank you and have a good day.

Hi! The trigger-happy person that gave the order to have that poor moose killed, but they used the term dispatched, should be fired. If they just left the thing alone it probably would have wandered off and not caused any trouble. If it came to the point where it was a nuisance and had to be tranquilized they could go ahead and do this. But the system should be that they put tags on the moose saying that it had been tranquilized and give the date and that it wasn’t fit for human consumption for a certain period of time, if the moose was unfortunate enough to get killed. Is it going to be that every time a wild animal becomes a nuisance it’s going to be killed instead of tranquilized and put somewhere where it could wait out this period of time if necessary? Something’s wrong with the system. Somebody’s got to investigate this. It’s not right. Thank you.

First of I’d like to thank Mr. Putz for running his football pool every year. I enjoy it very much. But I don’t know, I read the paper religiously and I consistently miss the winners and the qualifiers and all that being put in there. If you could tell me what paper and where it’s located. Thank you. Bye.

Lazy, lazy, lazy people. You’re too lazy to return the shopping cart to the shopping cart storage area in the parking lot. Instead you allow it to slam up against another person’s car and make a scratch or a dent or just leave it in an open space because you can’t walk two or three car lengths to return the cart. Shame on you! Maybe your car should be the one that gets hit and gets a good scratch on it.

Thank you very much for taking my call, my computer is broken. This is for the comments about squirrels and birds. This is Southwick calling. I lost all my blue jays, still have plenty of squirrels, over this past year, and now I have a few blue jays back. So something is going on and I don’t know what that is. And as far as dispatching, or shooting, the moose, I think that was positively disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and I’ll bet the person that called in first for some help with the moose is very sorry she ever made that call. Absolutely disgusting to shoot that animal. Thank you for taking this call.

The squirrels in Westfield and Southwick must have decided to retire and relocate to Hampden Village. We have plenty up here.

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