WESTFIELD – The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will hold a virtual workshop on Zoom entitled “Spotlight on Transition” on Thurs., March 4 at 6:30 p.m. The workshop will be led by Sherry Elander, Transition Specialist for Westfield Public Schools.
Elander said she will be providing a basic overview of the Transition Law, which begins at 14 years or younger, and for some students may end the day before they turn 22. She will also provide a timeline of activities that families need to complete each year in order for their son or daughter to make a successful transition from the school system to post-high school life, whether they be a college student, go on to a technical school, or work.
“It’s about helping you to help your child with future planning to become a successful community member regardless of their path,” Elander said, adding she would provide tips on “how to work with the school system on identifying and implementing the supports and services for their young person to be as prepared as possible when they graduate or leave services.”
Elander said if parents have a child with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), this is a great opportunity to meet with the WPS transition specialist about the Transition Law that begins at 14 or earlier, and to ask questions.
SEPAC parent member Rachel Bullock said transition planning is an important time in a student’s IEP life. “Engaging the student to develop self determination, having school staff hear and help with students’ desires after high school, and families helping the student to learn independence,” Bullock said.
Bullock added that transition planning is about the desire of the student, and the IEP is the road map to get there. “Come learn and get informed about this important topic. It is never too early to know this information,” she said.
To attend the meeting on the Zoom app on March 4 at 6:30 p.m. enter the meeting ID number 527-108-1333, and Passcode 3uht0R. Bullock said the 0 in the passcode is the number zero.
For more information, email [email protected].