
Southwick Police host National Night Out

Southwick K-9 Officer Michael Westcott with K-9 General, pictured wearing a party hat for his birthday. (Photo courtesy of Southwick Police Department)

SOUTHWICK – Police Chief Kevin A. Bishop invites the entire community to the town’s first National Night Out Aug. 28 at Prifti Park.

“This is Southwick’s first time participating in this event and we really hope people will come out and meet Southwick’s police officers, get to know their neighbors and make it an annual event,” said Bishop.

Communities around the country participate in the National Night Out, typically the second Tuesday in August, to promote community-building and partnerships between residents and the local police department. Due to trainings, the SPD opted to host the event later in the month.

“National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances,” stated Bishop in a written release.

The Southwick Fire Department is joining the SPD Wednesday and will unveil its new tower truck to the community. The event includes activities for families, hot dogs, hamburgers and ice cream.

According to organizer Det. Sgt. Thomas Krutka, the Night Out includes visitors from Security Forces from Barnes Air National Guard base, the One Call Away Foundation and the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department. The Westfield Police Cadets will be on hand to create child identification kits (finger printing), police will offer free car seat inspections, static displays from both the Southwick Police and Fire departments as well as the Massachusetts State Police, Massachusetts State Police Air Wing and Interstate Towing. Live entertainment will be provided by Sam and Jeff Acoustic from 6-8 p.m.

“This is something we have wanted to do for some time,” said Krutka. “It’s a way to bring the community together and connect with police officers. And it’s a fun night out in town.”

Southwick’s National Night Out is from 5-9 p.m. at Prifti Park, located between Town Hall and the public safety complex, on Wednesday Aug. 28.

Free Parking will be available at both the Town Hall and behind the Police and Fire departments.


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