
St. Mary’s students celebrate Thanksgiving

Hundreds of students gathered in the school’s gymnasium for an early Thanksgiving meal. (Photo by Peter Currier)

WESTFIELD- St. Mary’s Parish School students celebrated Thanksgiving  together Nov. 25 with lunch and fellowship.

All of the students in the school were brought to the gymnasium for turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and other Thanksgiving foods. Everyone from the youngest pre-schoolers to high school seniors gathered and ate together before they leave for the short break later in the week.

St. Mary’s Elementary School Principal Juli Jensen-Derrig said that the food was purchased from North Elm Butcher Block, which sold the food to the school at a discount so that they could have enough for all 300 students. 

The students were seated by their class year. Here, some of the senior boys were conversing post-meal before posing for a quick picture. (Photo by Peter Currier)

“It’s just the entire school getting together for a Thanksgiving feast,” said Jensen-Derrig, “I think it really helps to build community.”

Students returned to their normal school activities following the celebration.

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