WESTFIELD – Chairman of the School Committee, Mayor Donald F. Humason Jr., read the results of Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski’s performance review for the 2020/21 school year into the record at the meeting of June 21.
He said the committee rated the superintendent as exemplary overall and in all four key areas of instructional leadership, management and operations, family and community, and professional culture.
In the report, which was compiled by Committee Member Diane Mayhew from individual assessments by all of the members, the school committee pointed to 1:1 technology for students, his work on the elementary school building committee, and moving forward with a plan for a virtual school as some of the accomplishments of the past year.
“The school committee recognizes the challenging year . . . Stefan did not hesitate to get students and staff what they needed.. Most impressive was his ability to get a 1:1 device with technology which has been a goal of this district’s for eight years,” were among the comments.
The committee said Czaporowski has shown “extraordinary leadership skills,” saying that under his leadership “all school personnel have worked tirelessly to successfully develop safety protocols and procedures for physical spaces and continue to ensure safety for all.”
Acknowledging the unprecedented circumstances of the past year, the committee credited Czaporowski with his ability to handle them. “Many tough situations have arisen, but we feel he has handled them extremely well. The move to partial remote teaching made it difficult for students to continue to stay focused. To that end, this committee feels the Superintendent put the best plan in place to get students in front of teachers in buildings, despite concerns related to the virus. Because of this, we feel we are doing better than most districts in our region due to his efforts,” they wrote, adding, “The School Committee unanimously agrees that the Superintendent has done a phenomenal job during one of the most difficult years. He has navigated unprecedented changes with the pandemic. We believe he continues to think outside the box in all areas and looks ahead to anticipate the needs of education in Westfield.”
Committee members also remarked on Czaporowski’s “seemingly unending amount of energy,” and said it is their pleasure to work with him and beside him as he continues his leadership in the coming year.
After the reading, applause broke out in Chambers from the central office leadership staff in attendance at the meeting.
Czaporowski gave credit to the central office team. “It was a complete group effort. Everybody stepped up when they had to,” he said.
“It’s been a pleasure working with you in my capacity as mayor,” Humason said, adding that Westfield has set a high standard for the state.