Around the month of February in the years 1722, 1778, 1817, and 1818 were outbreaks of smallpox in Westfield.
On February 21st, 1885, the first issue of The Valley Echo was published.
On February 23rd, 1792, the toll for the Westfield Canal is $1.10 per ton in shipping costs.
On February 24th, 1897, Noble Hospital was dedicated. It was named for prominent Westfield resident Reuben Noble, who was born in the city on October 20th, 1820. When he died in June of 1890, it became known through his will that the funds of his estate should go not only to members of his family, but to the town of Westfield as well. The estimated amount of Noble’s estate was $130,000, one-third of which was reserved for the creation of the hospital.
Noble stated that a portion of his estate would be “for the purpose of establishing and maintaining in said Westfield a hospital to be known as the Noble Hospital, for the reception of persons who may need medical or surgical treatment during temporary sickness or injury.” Noble went on to say that “no person shall ever be refused admission or treatment in said hospital by reason of inability to pay therefore.”
The first eight physicians employed by the hospital were James B Atwater, M.D., James S. Clark, M.D., Harlow Gamwell, M.D., James W. Holland, M.D., Edwin D. Hutchinson, M.D., George H. Janes, M.D., James S. McLaughlin, M.D., and James A. Shepard, M.D.
On February 25th, 1812, Hampden County is officially established.